Tsinghua University Wraps Successful 5.25 Mental Health Season

In order to enhance students’ positive psychological qualities and build a happy campus atmosphere, from April to June this year , the Student Psychological Development Guidance Center took “Five Educations Nourish the Heart, Youth Facing the Sun” as the theme, gathered the wisdom and strength of different colleges, departments and organizations in the school, and carefully organized and planned and carried out 33 categories and 318 psychological education series of activities that promoted the five educations, attracting the active participation of more than 10,000 teachers and students from the whole school.

Conduct a series of mental health lectures to conduct in-depth discussions and inspire wisdom. Since the opening of the 5.25 Mental Health Season, the Student Psychological Development Guidance Center has planned 25 mental health lectures in five categories, including “Qingxin Famous Speakers Forum”, “Xinqing Workshop”, “Muxin Workshop”, “Psychological Education Lecture Hall”, and “Qingxin Parents Growth Camp”. The lectures are rich in content, covering topics such as emotional management, intimate relationships, depression treatment, and stress coping, and attracted 1,672 teachers and students on campus to participate.

Organize psychological group counseling to gather strength and talk about growth. The Student Psychological Development Guidance Center carefully planned and carried out 151 group activities with rich content and diverse forms, including single groups, light groups, continuous groups and parent growth groups, and opened them to the class and league organizations of various departments. Class meetings, league branches and party branch activities are all booked, covering 1,126 students. The activity themes are wide-ranging, covering self-exploration, music stress relief, mentor-student relationships and intimate relationships. Through various collective interactions, not only the close connection between members is strengthened, but also an opportunity for all-round development is provided for each participant.

Carry out special activities with psychological themes, develop five aspects of education, and show style. The Student Psychological Development Guidance Center has coordinated with multiple departments to carry out campus square dance, campus fitness running, mandala art therapy, plant planting and nurturing and other exciting activities that develop psychological education and five aspects of education, attracting 1,054 students to participate. In the activities, they experienced the beauty of life, felt the power of nature, and showed a positive and sunny campus style.

Carry out Qingxin Tea Party series activities to listen to the voices and enhance understanding. The Student Psychological Development Guidance Center carefully organized 45 Qingxin Tea Parties, Qingxin Reading Clubs, Qingxin Micro Salons, Qingxin Group Building Bureaus and other psychological growth group activities around themes such as self-cognition, intimate relationships, peer communication, and mentor-student relationships, serving 578 students. Through a variety of interactive methods, it provides a warm communication environment for students, helping them to enhance their emotional regulation and interpersonal communication skills, and find inner peace and motivation to move forward.

We launched a series of Qingxin Growth Camp activities to tap potential and embrace ourselves. We launched four “cloud” psychological growth camps, including the Qingxin Worry-free Sleep Camp, Naturewalk·Avoid Internal Consumption Camp, Lovelorn Recovery Camp, and Positive Psychological Growth Plan, attracting 162 students to participate. Through professional guidance and peer support, we helped students better cope with challenges in life and become more positive and confident.

We carried out the Qingxin Mind and Body Camp activities to strengthen the body and enhance the physique. Focusing on the traditional Chinese health-preserving exercises Ba Duan Jin and the health-preserving stick, we carried out 28 mind and body camp activities every week, including waist and neck rehabilitation, flexibility training, posture correction and other themed exercises, as well as TRE stress relief camps, covering 275 students. It not only helped the students to strengthen their bodies, but also improved their psychological resilience and cultivated a more positive and healthy attitude towards life.

We carried out department-specific activities in various forms. Each department gave full play to its departmental characteristics and integrated departmental resources to carry out 38 special activities, including psychological film viewing, healthy cycling, sunflower activity room, handicrafts, group painting, special psychological lectures, etc., covering 3,491 people. The school and departments are linked to each other to promote further sharing and integration of resources and create a positive and healthy psychological atmosphere in the school.

Organize psychological care week activities, diversified interaction, and shared warmth. As one of the guiding units, the Student Psychological Development Guidance Center , the Art Education Center, and the School of Health and Health specially launched the second “Art·Science·Psychological Care Week”, focusing on holding “Music Delights the Heart – Music Intervention for Emotional Distress” Art and Science Dialogue Salon, “The Voice of the Sea – Kong Xiangdong’s Original Piano” Multimedia Concert, “Return to the Mountain” Theme Concert, group counseling for dance and music decompression, psychological lectures and other 7 special activities, attracting 1,270 people to participate. The Care Week activities emphasized the combination of mental health and art and science, injecting vitality into the diversified development of campus culture.

In addition, during the 5.25 Mental Health Season, the Student Psychological Development Guidance Center also held a number of solicitation competitions, including “Words in the Paintings – Psychological Cartoon Competition”, “Navigation in the Heart – Mental Health Knowledge Group Competition”, “Shadows of the Heart – Psychological Short Video Show Competition”, “Educating the Heart Together – Psychological Growth Speech Competition”, and “Walking Together – Peer Psychological Skills Competition”. The students showed their youthful demeanor through various forms such as painting, speech, situational drama, and knowledge quizzes. Many works entered the finals of the Beijing Municipal Competition, and the psychological cartoon work “Feifei’s Diary” won the third prize in Beijing; the psychological short video show competition works “I Slept Badly That Night” and “Learning Non-violent Communication” won the third prize in the life documentary category and the third prize in the popular science micro-class category respectively; the Tsinghua University team won the third prize in the mental health knowledge group competition, and Nigra from the Student Psychological Development Guidance Center was named an outstanding instructor.