TUM and Creditreform Join Forces to Combat Greenwashing Practices

To this end, advanced methods are to be developed to assess the relevant company data. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays an important role here to be able to accurately assess compliance with the often elusive sustainability criteria using simulations.

TUM is also expanding its Integrative Research Institute Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI) and contributing its academic expertise and leading researchers in the field of AI and data science under the leadership of Prof. Gjergji Kasneci to the collaboration. Following the acquisition of a Konrad Zuse School, this new project demonstrates once again that projects launched with funding from the Excellence Initiative can develop powerfully and be scaled up with third-party financing.

President Thomas F. Hofmann emphasized the importance of this partnership with Creditreform: “For us, it is a prototype of the synergies between university research and entrepreneurial application. In this collaboration, we are creating new insights from the combination of scientific AI expertise and data from the business world.”

Creditreform CEO Bernd Bütow adds: “The cooperation is a milestone in the development of an AI-supported methodology for evaluating and processing data to assess ESG risks. The combination of academic research and our expertise as a credit agency in the context of sustainability information and reporting, among other things, is a real driver of innovation in the field of data analysis.”