Two UvA Researchers Awarded NWO Rubicon Grants
For many scientists, experience abroad is an important step in their career. In this round, NWO awarded a total of seventeen young researchers Rubicon grants.
The UvA recipients
Danique de Moor (Business Administration): Improving the geospatial accessibility of healthcare services through novel optimisation methods
Half of the world’s population currently does not have access to the healthcare they need. De Moor’s goal is to improve geospatial accessibility to healthcare services in low- and middle-income countries by developing new mathematical optimisation techniques, with a strong emphasis on ensuring the scalability of the methodology.
De Moor will go to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States for 24 months.
Dr Julien Vos (Medicine): Setting international standards for measuring the quality of cancer survivorship care
Er zijn veel verschillende manieren waarop men de kwaliteit van zorg na kanker kan meten. Met zijn project brengt Vos de kwaliteitsaspecten van zorg in kaart. Daartoe vraagt hij verschillende belanghebbenden welke kwaliteitsaspecten voor hen belangrijk zijn. Op basis hiervan ontwikkelt Vos een richtlijn voor het meten van kwaliteit van zorg.
Vos will go to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in the United States for 15 months.