UC expert wins prize at the New York Architecture Biennale

The academic won for a project that proposes an intervention to “remake” the area of ​​the north bank of Concepción, in which the fabric and urban life are deteriorated and marginalized by segregated transport infrastructures.

image corresponding to the news item: “Professor Filipe Temtem wins prize at the New York Architecture Biennale”
photo_cameraThe award-winning project is the result of his doctoral thesis, co-directed by professors Fernando Pérez and Alejandro Aravena. Credits: Joana Pereira.

The professor of the UC School of Architecture, Filipe Temtem , was awarded first place in the international competition “Inclusion Award 2022” (IN 2022) —focused on inclusive projects— of the New York Architecture Biennale 2022 (NYCAB), whose bug was posted a few days ago.

Temtem’s project addresses the waterfront on the north bank of Concepción, an area in which urban fabric and life continue to be deteriorated and marginalized by segregated transport infrastructures. Thus, he proposed a possible intervention to “remake” the city, with a project that would rescue its dignity and sense of belonging, structuring its basic needs and services. In this way, Temtem presents a contemporary vision of infrastructure in the field of architecture, presenting a road prototype that activates a kind of tactical urbanism.

“This award works as a barometer of the rigor and quality of the work that I have come to develop over the last few years, highlighting my interdisciplinary commitment in the field of urban planning and transport infrastructure, where the contribution of architects still appears. as a diffuse figure with little involvement”, says Filipe Temtem from Portugal.

The award-winning project for the 2022 New York Architecture Biennial (NYCAB) “Interdependen-CITY” is the result of his doctoral thesis, co-directed by UC Architecture professors Fernando Pérez and Alejandro Aravena, with which he also received the Abertis Award Chile 2021 and the Award of Excellence in Doctoral Thesis 2021 .

“The prize and the awarded project are an important reward for the country in the field of urban planning and transport infrastructure, which, in addition to internationally highlighting the academic and professional production within the UC” – Filipe Temtem, professor at the School of Architecture

Likewise, the proposal was also one of the 16 independent projects selected at the Lisbon Architecture Triennial 2022, whose exhibition format was entitled “(Un)made Cities by Segregated Transport Infrastructures” , shows that, after the triennial, it will be open again to the public at Galeria Câmara Clara, in the city of Torres Vedras, Portugal from June 30, within the framework of the 2023 curatorial program entitled “Multiverse—A return to the future”.

Filipe Temtem is a Portuguese architect, graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon. He has a master’s degree in Theory and Practice of Architecture Design, from the ETSAB of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. He is a doctoral candidate in Architecture and Urbanism, from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies. Credits: Gentleness Filipe Temtem.

Recently announced, the “Inclusion Award 2022” award for Temtem’s work joins the projects of professionals and students awarded by the second edition of the NYCAB during November 2022, among which were also other members of the community of the School of Architecture.

“The prize and the awarded project are an important reward to the country in the field of urban planning and transport infrastructure, which, in addition to internationally highlighting the academic and professional production within the Catholic University, offers a new modus operandi to local governments. for the design of railways and highways in the main Chilean intermediate cities, that is, it is a contribution to the country’s public agenda that allows the logic of disjunctive planning (OR) to be replaced by a principle of inclusive design (E) that simultaneously considers the architecture, infrastructure and public space”, affirms the academic.