UC finds rise in global approval in the VRCEC work environment survey

The measurement applied in 2022 improved in participation and showed significant advances in its 11 dimensions evaluated, especially in the items “Recognition” and “Conflict management”. The results show the impact that different activities have had that have promoted coexistence within the teams, dialogue with their authorities and the sense of belonging to the institution.

One of the key axes of the UC 2020-2025 Development Plan has to do with the Community. “A university community that promotes a culture of well-being, both from a physical, mental and social point of view, offers fertile ground for the excellent personal and professional development of all its members”, states the document.

Within this framework, since 2021 the Vice-Rector for Communications and Cultural Extension has encouraged collaboration between areas, with the aim of achieving greater co-construction and synergies in the projects. Likewise, interpersonal relationships and an increased sense of belonging to the institution have been promoted, in order to achieve a better work experience, from the moment people join the job.

The action plan contemplates an induction process for the new members of the VRCEC, which incorporates a welcome meeting and meeting, where they have an approach to the structure of the university and the most relevant projects of the vice-rector’s office.

“It is a relevant focus for the university, because an organization advances when each of its members is committed to their challenges,” says Vice Chancellor Magdalena Amenábar, who has led this task together with Executive Director Camila Rendic.

The action plan contemplates an induction process for the new members of the VRCEC, which incorporates a welcome meeting and meeting, where they have an approach to the structure of the university and the most relevant projects of the vice-rector’s office.

“Work dynamics are multifactorial, but we are convinced that caring for everyone will allow us to make the VRCEC a pleasant space full of challenges to be able to work and grow” – Magdalena Amenábar, VRCEC vice-rector

In order to familiarize the officials who join the vice-rector’s office, a training plan has also been implemented to learn about the financial, administrative, and computer processes. Along with this, Rendic points out that “communication instances have been generated on aspects related to people management and the main benefits that UC offers.”

Instances of meeting and coexistence of the members of the units with their authorities have also been organized and this year the project “Cultural Evenings” was launched, which has summoned the entire VRCEC community on Fridays, with voluntary registration.

This initiative was born from the Corporate Design Department, led by Soledad Hola, who sought to “provide a cultural experience and, along with it, encourage social contact and dialogue between the members of our unit.” Three visits have already been organized: the Paul Klee exhibition at the La Moneda Cultural Center; the Antoni Tàpies exhibition at the Art Gallery followed by a film at the UC Cinema, and a visit to the Municipal Theatre.

The next activity will be a tour of the Yungay neighborhood and it is being evaluated in the future to extend the call to units outside the VRCEC.

“These instances have been particularly well evaluated, because along with learning and meeting, dialogue and relaxed reflection are naturally stimulated, beyond just professional or labor issues,” says the executive director.

The results of the latest UC 2022 work environment survey show the positive impact that these initiatives have had on the perception of well-being of the members of the VRCEC. “Compared to the 2020 measurement, a high participation of the vice-rector’s office in the consultation process can be verified, which reached 91 percent of the authorized staff and increased 15 percentage points in relation to 2020, which was 76 percent. ”, details Rendic.

“Compared to the 2020 measurement, a high participation of the vice-rector’s office in the consultation process can be verified, which reached 91 percent of the authorized staff and increased 15 percentage points in relation to 2020, which was 76 percent. ”- Camila Rendic, Executive Director VRCEC

A significant increase in overall approval is also observed when considering all the dimensions evaluated. The positive appreciation reached 74 percent, which is equivalent to an increase of 7 percentage points compared to the previous measurement (67 percent). The 11 dimensions evaluated exhibited very significant increases compared to the year 2020 and especially “Recognition” and “Conflict Management” stand out, both with an increase of 18 percentage points; “Leadership” and “Continuous Improvement”, which increased 13 percentage points; and the item “Cohesive team”, which increased 12 points.

“It should be noted that even the dimensions related to internal communication and workload, aspects that were moderately evaluated in the 2020 measurement, exhibited significant improvements that exceed 11 percentage points,” says the executive director.

Magdalena Amenábar maintains that the results are a sign that the objectives set by the VRCEC in its strategic plan, aimed at promoting the well-being of its teams, are being met. “Without a doubt, there is still a lot to do. Labor dynamics are multifactorial, but we are convinced that caring for everyone will allow us to make the VRCEC a pleasant space full of challenges to be able to work and grow”, she concludes.