UC launches 14 free science and technology courses for schoolchildren in winter holidays

The School of Engineering and the Faculty of Mathematics of the UC will carry out a new version of the ” SUMA STEM Academy” , which during these winter breaks will offer 14 science and technology courses totally free for students from eighth grade to fourth grade.

From gastronomic engineering to Artificial Intelligence, they are part of the activities scheduled for Thursday, July 13 and Friday, July 14 at the San Joaquín UC Campus. There are 350 places available to register ( https://tinyurl.com/ynu766ba ) until Sunday June 25.

“The idea is that they can spend an entertaining moment, testing what they already know, but also combining their knowledge with new learning that they will acquire accompanied by our undergraduate and graduate students,” said Gabriela García, deputy director of UC Pre-engineering .

He added that the scheduled activities and workshops will be carried out in the spaces offered by the campus, whose laboratories and equipment are first class so that students can live a scientific and technological experience in the best way.

The UC Mathematics school manager, Mariana Milos, highlighted that “ it is a very enriching experience for them, since they also have contact, for the first time, with the university world. This motivates them to ask themselves what they want for their future, from a much more meaningful perspective . ”

Students interested in participating may choose two of the 14 courses for practical and laboratory experiences. In this second version, those who have graduated from high school last year may also register.

Courses 2023
Using visual design to make information friendly.
First steps in programming.
Robotics, how machines recognize the environment and move in it.
IA Explorer, take a look at the world of Artificial Intelligence.
Seismic challenge, experiment to respond to Chilean earthquakes.
Experimental geotechnics, knowing what is under our feet.
Architectural structures, combination of beauty, strength and elasticity.
Finance with sense, how to make money grow.
Contest of construction materials.
Build a sustainable world by exploring Chemical Engineering.
Gastronomic Engineering: Science in the Kitchen!
The power of Biotechnology for the health of humanity.
AeroLab: Exploring Rocket Aeronautics.
Encrypted messages with codes and keys, the basis of security for digital life.