UC: Sustainable development promotes the first Chile-Germany academic forum

Specialists from seven universities in both countries -among them the UC- met at the first Chile-Germany Academic Forum. The instance is constituted based on a historical scientific collaboration between both countries, in order to strengthen these ties and generate new cooperation, including young and senior researchers, promoting the relationship with the industry.

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on renewable energy and productive transformation; climate change, territoriality and sustainable governance for the green transition; and circular economy, were the topics addressed by the three working groups that were consolidated in the first Chile-Germany Academic Forum . The instance was held in Santiago, between June 12 and 14, with headquarters at the Universidad Católica , Universidad de Concepción and Universidad de Chile .

Precisely these three universities are the Chilean counterpart of the organizing consortium of the Forum, while on the German side the University of Heidelberg , the Technical University of Berlin , the University of Hamburg and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology participate . In addition to these institutions, the initiative had the participation of important strategic partners: the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD Chile) , the German Embassy in Chile , the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs , the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities and theChilean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry .

The Chile-Germany Forum aims to strengthen international academic cooperation between higher education institutions through a joint debate that involves academia, industry and the governments of both countries. The foregoing to promote growth and green recovery, thus promoting a sustainable and sustainable development of both countries.

The rector of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Ignacio Sánchez , highlighted the commitment of the participating institutions to promote the Chile-Germany Academic Forum. “ Addressing these complex global challenges like sustainability requires deep, genuine, and planned collaboration that leverages our diverse strengths, resources, and perspectives . This forum can demonstrate that through the exchange of knowledge and collective effort, concrete and innovative solutions can be proposed to problems that we have in Chile, in our region and in the world”.

For her part, the rector of the University of Chile, Rosa Devés , highlighted the commitment cultivated in this Forum, through collaboration and the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge to face global challenges. “We see this event as a catalyst to establish a solid and lasting cooperation between the academic communities of both countries” . She also added that “solutions, firmly based on science and knowledge, are crucial and require our urgent attention.”

Likewise, the vice-rector for Research and Development of the University of Concepción, Andrea Rodríguez , declared that they hope that their participation in the forum will motivate “new academics to participate in an international collaboration network with Germany, because we are sure that the internationalization of our work strengthens the development of knowledge and the interaction of new opportunities that open up”.

Complementing the above, Dr. Inés Recio , academic executive director of the Heidelberg Center for Latin America, University of Heidelberg, distinguished the satisfactory work of the work groups in this first edition of the forum. “It has served to bring the participating people and institutions closer together and makes clear the strong interest that science made in Germany and science made in Chile have in tackling the climate crisis together,” said Dr. Recio, emphasizing the importance of recognize the potential of this exchange and the vitality of giving it continuity.

“This forum can demonstrate that through the exchange of knowledge and collective effort, concrete and innovative solutions can be proposed to problems that we have in Chile, in our region and in the world” – UC Rector Ignacio Sánchez.

International collaboration for sustainable development
The event was structured around three thematic work tables, which allowed for the generation of a space for reflection and dialogue among the participants, promoting the identification of actions and solutions to move towards a more sustainable future:

“Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Renewable Energies and Productive Transformation” , focused on analyzing the importance of renewable energies and their impact on the productive transformation of countries.

“Climate Change, Territoriality and Sustainable Governance for the Green Transition” , explored the strategies and challenges in climate change management and the implementation of sustainable practices at the territorial level.

“Circular Economy, Production Models and Consumer Culture for Sustainability” , focused on examining the need to adopt production models based on the circular economy and promote a culture of responsible consumption as fundamental pillars of sustainability.
The results of the work of the three tables contemplated the fundamentals of promoting the active role of the academy to face the various challenges presented by sustainable development, considering the differences that exist in each territory and the different perspectives obtained from each discipline. Thus, both the researchers participating in the forum, as well as the authorities of the organizing universities, ended the event with high expectations for future scientific collaborations, meeting again in a future version of this academic meeting.

During the closing day, UC Vice Chancellor for Research Pedro Bouchon made a call, urging all those present to “take the message of this meeting to their respective institutions and communities, to involve them and motivate them to participate in future versions, as well as to promote more research, encourage sustainable practices and drive positive change” .

In turn, the director of International Relations of the University of Concepción, María Inés Picazo , described the meeting as “a space of opportunities to generate new alliances between researchers from the seven universities that participated , strengthen the groups that were already working and project the work of the UdeC together with German universities”.

On the other hand, the UCH Vice Chancellor for Research and Development, Enrique Aliste , emphasized the importance of addressing these issues towards sustainable development from scientific collaboration, this forum being “a valuable opportunity to achieve our objectives towards an equitable and prosperous future for current and future generations, through dialogue and the scientific and academic reciprocity that this platform gives us”.

Finally, the academic coordinator of the Master in Risk and Resource Governance, from the Heidelberg Center for Latin America , Diego Rivera , commented that both countries present a horizontal academic relationship, with common needs and valuable experiences that allow them to learn from each other. . In this context, as the professor added, “this first forum has been an important step to form the bases of academic collaboration in strategic axes and with a global reach.”

The Catholic University was in charge of leading the group that addressed renewable energies , through the academic of the Institute of Urban and Territorial Studies, Kay Bergamini . The main challenges in the matter were discussed -considering technical, territorial, social, environmental and market aspects-. They also had the visit of representatives of the industry, who focused especially on green hydrogen , glimpsing possibilities of joint work. They also had a meeting with a representative of the Ministry of Energy.

Thanks to this meeting, academics from German universities will visit a green hydrogen pilot plant in Punta Arenas, to learn how this energy is being developed in Chile.

“One of the main conclusions reached by the group is that the collaboration between academics from Chile and Germany has a solid foundation of trust and that it can work quickly ”, comments Kay Bergamini. Also, that ” energy transitions, especially in the green hydrogen industry, are a relevant topic for both countries and many link on this issue .”

The group of researchers seeks to continue cooperating in this field of study and emphasized that it is necessary to carry out concrete actions to generate an impact from this contribution, as well as the need to have funding for the development of research.

As UC Vice Chancellor for International Affairs Lilian Ferrer explains , what this instance seeks is to ” strengthen international academic cooperation between higher education institutions from both territories; promote joint work for innovation that allows the development and transfer of technologies; increase the spaces for cooperation between academia, industry and both governments; and expand opportunities for young researchers for their academic development “.

“Academic collaboration for sustainability is crucial ,” says the Director of Research at the UC Vice-Rector for Research , María Elena Boisier . “Clean energies, responsible territorial governance, and a new way of approaching production and consumption are key areas in this common path, they are just some first glances at the infinite complexity that the first version of this bilateral Forum addressed. By the way, in the near future, it will require the competition of a broader thematic and disciplinary horizon, which includes the arts and the humanities, ”she adds.

The international cooperation initiative aims to establish a long-term collaboration between the participating groups, with a view to the next edition of this event that will take place in Germany in 2024.

As Professor Bergamini says, the possibility of meeting with professors “from different disciplines and perspectives -as in our case, academics of chemical engineering, electrical engineering, geography, among others- allows a fairly broad and fruitful dialogue to take place, in which that we can all have a part and show that the challenges are comprehensive, how they impact the territories, the society ”. It also makes it possible to “detect the common problems between the two countries, as well as recognize their differences in order to build knowledge from them,” adds the academic.

It is sought that this collaboration last and be strengthened, thus allowing a continuous exchange of knowledge and experiences between the different actors involved. In this sense, next year’s event is emerging as an opportunity to continue building on the achievements achieved so far and further expand international cooperation ties for the benefit of sustainability and joint development.