UFS Hosts Model UN Summit 2024 with Focus on Youth Leadership

The University of the Free State (UFS) recently hosted the third annual Kovsies Model United Nations (KMUN) Summit, attracting delegates from universities and TVET colleges across South Africa.

This year’s event, themed ‘Building Sustainable Bridges for the World We Want’, took place from 12 to 14 July 2024 and offered students the chance to engage in United Nations (UN) simulations to develop a deeper understanding of international affairs and innovative problem-solving. These UN simulations included the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the Security Council, the UN Human Rights Council, and UNESCO.

Unique African solutions

The summit’s keynote address was delivered by Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training Buti Manamela. He stressed the importance of addressing global challenges in an African context, highlighting the role of youth in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and why education lies at the heart of making this possible.

Manamela noted that the African Union (AU) had declared 2024 ‘The Year of Education’, emphasising the need for resilient and education systems that equip African youth with skills and knowledge for the modern world.

“Our problems in Africa are not different from the rest of the world; however, the solutions that are required must respond to the material conditions and the historical realities of our continent,” he said.

Localise development goals

Dibolelo Mance, Free State MEC for Public Works and Infrastructure, also addressed the summit, urging youth to use the SDGs as an impetus to enhance their own communities and participate in global movements.

She highlighted local initiatives aimed at empowering young people to take active roles in their communities, using the SDGs as a development framework.

Policy partnership key for change

Dr Kevin Naidoo, Deputy Director-General of Policy, Governance, and Administration in the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, stressed the role of youth as policy partners in implementing the UN SDGs and the AU’s Agenda 2063. He encouraged delegates to inspire change and actively participate in policymaking processes, advocating for a more inclusive and participatory approach to governance.

The KMUN Summit gave young leaders a platform to engage in meaningful discussions and develop critical skills. The event reaffirmed the importance of youth leadership in global affairs, highlighting their crucial role in shaping a better future.