UK: Reappointment to the Adaptation Committee of the Climate Change Committee

Defra and the Devolved Administrations have reappointed Professor Michael Davies to the Adaptation Committee of the Climate Change Committee.

The Adaptation Committee is comprised of experts in the fields of climate change impacts, science, environmental economics, conservation, public health and business. It provides independent, expert advice on preparing for and adapting to climate change.

Whilst this reappointment is not regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments, it has been made in line with the guidance set out in the Ministerial Governance Code for Public Appointments. It will run from 1 February 2021.

Commenting on Professor Davies’ reappointment, Adaptation Committee Chair Baroness Brown of Cambridge said:

Mike has been an excellent appointment to the Committee. His background in buildings, planning, cities and public health, including heat, ventilation and air quality, is central to the adaptation challenges the UK faces with all of our building stock as the climate warms.

Commenting on his reappointment, Professor Davies said:

I am delighted to be able to continue as a member of the Adaptation Committee. The Committee undertakes vital work in addressing the pressing need to prepare for a changing climate.

The Board of the Adaptation Committee is currently one member short as it prepares to recruit a successor for Professor Dame Georgina Mace, who joined the Adaptation Committee in 2018 to lead its work assessing the impacts of climate change and adaptation responses in the UK’s natural environment. Defra and the CCC have paid their respects to Dame Georgina, who sadly passed away last year.

The Adaptation Committee has appointed Professor Kate Jones as interim Expert Advisor until the full recruitment campaign is run.