UNESCO and the SBAH have begun stabilization measures on the historic Sulaiman Al Saigh house and Zyada house in Mosul

UNESCO and the State Board of Antiquities and Heritage in Mosul have begun stabilization measures on the historic Sulaiman Al Saigh house and Zyada house in Mosul as part of an EU funded project to conserve, safeguard and reconstruct heritage houses and buildings in Mosul and within the framework of UNESCO’s Revive the Spirit of Mosul Initiative. The EU supported project for the Old City includes the reconstruction of a combination of public and private houses, schools, and public buildings of heritage value.


Fadhel Mohammed Khuder, Head of the Supervision and Follow-up Committee, SBAH, said “we are currently undertaking the delicate task of stabilizing the two houses”. A representative from AMAC – rubble removal added, “we are pleased to be undertaking this important work. It gives companies and workers in Mosul a chance to participate in the important step to rebuild our city, building by building and house by house”.


UNESCO Engineer, Omar Alswaff said, “I’m really pleased to be working for UNESCO on this project. The two houses have unique characteristics that demonstrate the architectural and artistic traditions of our city. We are currently working on around 50 other houses in Mosul on this UNESCO / EU project, each one preserving a part of our cultural traditions that were damaged by the conflict”


The purpose of the project is to promote livelihood opportunities for youth in Iraq and in particular among the communities of the Old City of Mosul and Basra, to contribute to the restoration of the historic urban landscape while contributing to social cohesion and inter-community reconciliation.