UNESCO announces SimuED 2.1 update with brand new features and further enhancements

UNESCO today announces the update of its education sector-wide simulation tool, SimuED 2.1. First launched in 2019, the Excel-based simulation model provides users with more than hundred built-in modules that do not require entering or modifying complicated formulas, which significantly simplifies the model development process. Meanwhile, it preserves the possibility for prospective developers to create own add-on modules that complement the generic core model according to the country needs.

Today’s update brings brand new features and further enhancements to the recently released SimuED 2.0. More specifically, the calculation model has been, again, further improved to speed up data processing. New Cost modules are introduced to better evaluate expenditure on teacher training. Additionally, Infrastructure modules are enriched with options that can take into account the lifetime of infrastructure for future reconstruction cost estimates. The Students modules that used to only allow the integration of a fixed number of learners outside SimuED now offer the possibility to integrate multiple sets of them for different scenarios. Furthermore, it is therefore possible to calculate, in the ‘Financing’ sheet, the “student” unit costs per category of expenditure, such as personnel costs for instance.

For more information and comprehensive guidance on these and other new features, please refer to the help files or the built-in help function of the model.