UNESCO conducted a six days sensitization program for Community members in Sengerema

UNESCO Office in Dar es Salaam has recently conducted a six days sensitization program for more than 1,800 community members in Sengerema District on the existing legal and regulatory guidelines that support girls’ education.

Using Theatre for Social Development approach, UNESCO in partnership with the Forum for African Women Educationalists Tanzania Chapter (FAWETZ) formed Community Champions Groups during a two days sensitization workshop that involved parents and village representatives, ward officials, religious leaders, District Community Development officers, journalists from Radio Sengerema and a representative from PO-RALG. After the workshop, the Community Champions Groups went to the five beneficiary wards of Ibisabageni, Nyatukala, Mission, Mwabaluhi, and Nyampulukano for community level sensitization through theatre performances.

The message from the performances inspired community members to come up with immediate measures including forming by laws and generating action plans to upscale and widely spread out the message for a girl child education and protection rights.

The sensitization was implemented within the framework of the KOICA-funded UN Joint Programme, ‘Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women through Education in Tanzania. The program will be continued in the districts of Ngorongoro in Arusha and Mkoani in South Pemba.