UNESCO Ethiopia, in partnership with the David Lucile Packard Foundation, has been working with Oromia Education Bureau (OEB) and all 13 Colleges of Teacher Education/CTEs/ in Oromia

UNESCO Ethiopia, in partnership with the David Lucile Packard Foundation, has been working with Oromia Education Bureau (OEB) and  all 13 Colleges of Teacher Education/CTEs/ in Oromia with an aim to deal with the Sexual and Reproductive Health/SRH/ challenges of the youth in the region in general and in the CTEs in particular since 2014.

UNESCO Ethiopia Education Section successfully conducted a learning exchange and validation workshop at Harmony Hotel, Addis Ababa (from January 30-31 2021). Discussions were held on the learning document developed from the CTEs over the course of the project period with 32 participants made up of deans; EHW focal and gender focal from all the CTEs for publication and to ensure sustainability of the project. In addition, the report from the gender violence status assessment conducted by Oromia Education Bureau and Youth and Cultural Development Center (YCDF) per the implementation partner agreement with UNESCO at the 13 college of teacher education institutions was presented and the findings along with the minimum standards for the CTES were validated for publication.

The workshop was concluded with the validation of the learning document on the implementation of the activities including SRH service provision, SRH Education implementation, and gender equality in the CTEs over the project period; development of a sustainability plan including the provision of youth friendly quality SRH service by the CTE clinics; Validation of the Gender violence status Assessment report and minimum standard document for CRGV in CTEs.