Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh says, Government has formulated plans to rehabilitate people from low- lying coastal areas who may be adversely impacted due to rising sea levels in the coming decade


Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Science & Technology; Minister of State (Independent Charge) Earth Sciences; MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh today informed the Rajya Sabha Government has formulated plans to rehabilitate people from low- lying coastal areas who may be adversely impacted due to rising sea levels in the coming decade.

In a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha, Dr Jitendra Singh said, NDMA has prepared a draft policy on “Mitigation and Rehabilitation measures for people displaced by Coastal and River Erosion” to deal with the extensive displacement of people caused by coastal and river erosion.

Dr Jitendra Singh pointed out that Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) an autonomous organization of the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) has carried out Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) mapping to assess the probable implications of sea-level rise along the Indian coast. He  said, this exercise has generated maps using seven input parameters: shoreline change rate, sea-level change rate, coastal elevation, coastal slope, coastal geomorphology, significant wave height and tidal range.

A report on “National Assessment of Shoreline Changes along Indian Coast” was shared with various Central and State government Agencies and Stakeholders for implementing shoreline protection measures. MoES through its institutes is also providing technical solutions and advice to the State Governments and UTs to deal with coastal erosion threats.

National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR), Chennai an attached office of MoES is monitoring the shoreline erosion since 1990 using remote sensing data and GIS mapping techniques. Totally, 6907.18 km long coastline of the mainland has been analyzed for the period from 1990 to 2018. It is noted that 33.6% of the coastline is under varying degree of erosion, 26.9% is of accreting nature and the remaining 39.5% is in a stable state. The below table represents the state wise coastal erosion details.


Sl No State Coast Length (in km) Coast length (in Km)
Erosion Stable Accretion
Km % Km % Km %
1 West Coast Gujarat 1945.6 537.5 27.6 1030.9 53 377.2 19.4
2 Daman & Diu 31.83 11.02 34.6 17.09 53.7 3.72 11.7
3 Maharashtra 739.57 188.26 25.5 477.69 64.6 73.62 10
4 Goa 139.64 26.82 19.2 93.72 67.1 19.1 13.7
5 Karnataka 313.02 74.34 23.7 156.78 50.1 81.9 26.2
6 Kerala 592.96 275.33 46.4 182.64 30.8 134.99 22.8
7 East    Coast Tamil Nadu 991.47 422.94 42.7 332.69 33.6 235.85 23.8
8 Puducherry 41.66 23.42 56.2 13.82 33.2 4.42 10.6
9 Andhra Pradesh 1027.58 294.89 28.7 223.36 21.7 509.33 49.6
10 Odisha 549.5 140.72 25.6 128.77 23.4 280.02 51
11 West Bengal 534.35 323.07 60.5 76.4 14.3 134.88 25.2
Total 6907.18 2318.31 2733.86 1855.03
% 33.6 39.5 26.9


The Minister informed that te 15thFinance Commission has recommended the creation of National Disaster Risk Management Fund (NDRMF) and State Disaster Risk Management Fund (SDRMF) comprising Mitigation Fund at the National and State level (NDMF/SDMF) and Response Fund at the National and State level (NDRF/ SDRF). The Commission has also made specific recommendations for “Mitigation Measures to Prevent Erosion” under NDMF and “Resettlement of Displaced People Affected by Erosion” under NDRF.