University of Amsterdam: Interactive art project of IIS lecturer and Bèta-gamma students on gender bias

The artwork is a sound installation of different speakers, from which abstracts of scientific publications on, and personal experiences with, gender bias in science and at the university are read in a whisper tone. The visitor will hear the buzzing of voices when standing in the middle of the room. Moving closer to one of the speakers, the visitor can listen to one of the individual stories.

As such, the group wants to draw attention to the gender gap in science and the university in an innovative way.

Interactive and alive
UvA students and staff are invited to participate, by recording an abstract of a scientific paper and/or a personal experience with gender bias, at the end of February or the beginning of March.

These stories can be heard on the Science Park campus later this spring and will serve to raise awareness and start a dialogue on gender bias for all students and staff members of the University of Amsterdam.