University of Amsterdam: Three UvA researchers receive Rubicon grants

Three UvA researchers who all recently obtained their doctorates have received Rubicons grant from NWO/ZonMw to conduct research at foreign research institutions. They are: chemist Eduard Bobylev, astronomer Ines Pastor Marazuela, and socio-cultural researcher Alex Thinius.

For many researchers, professional experience abroad is an important step in their career. The Rubicon grants makes it possible for young academics to work at a foreign institution that offers the best environment for their research. A total of 15 applications were awarded funding by NWO/ZonMw in this round.

The UvA recipients
Eduard Bobylev (Chemistry): Electric gel to produce fuels from renewable feedstock
A conversion of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide to fuels will provide better energy security and is a step in impeding global climate change. The subject of Bobylev’s interdisciplinary study is the development of novel gels which convert carbon dioxide to higher-value fuels using electricity.

Bobylev will go to Massachusetts Institute of Technology for 24 months.

Inez Pastor-Marazuela (Astronomy): Deciphering the origin of Fast Radio Bursts
Fast Radio Bursts are very bright and short extragalactic astrophysical transients. They are extremely energetic, and although most are only seen once, some repeat. Since their origin remains a mystery, Pastor-Marazuela’s aim will be to determine how they are produced taking long, deep radio observations using the MeerKAT radio telescope.

Pastor-Marazuela will go to the University of Manchester for 24 months.

Alex Thinius (Cultural Analysis): The Reconceptualisation of Sexual Difference
Life-scientists are currently seeking complex conceptions of sex and gender to improve research and health care for everybody. Thinius’s project analyses the concepts and metaphors that life-scientists are using to do this. The aim is to improve these conceptual tools for a dynamic and pluralist understanding of the sexes.

Thinius will go to Harvard University for 12 months.