University Of Bath To Host Winter Graduation Ceremonies At Assembly Rooms


More than 1400 students will graduate from the University of Bath this week as our Winter Graduation ceremonies return to the Assembly Rooms in Bath for the first time since the pandemic.

Over three days and ten ceremonies, graduates from a range of the University’s postgraduate courses will celebrate the end of their studies at the milestone event. The first ceremony begins on Tuesday 6 December at 10am.

Among a long list of students to graduate will be Nav Sawhney (MSc Humanitarianism, Conflict and Development – 2020) who during his studies teamed up with many others at Bath to develop and spin-out ‘The Washing Machine Project’.

Nav’s innovative idea to combine engineering skills with his passion for humanitarianism is alleviating the burden of handwashing clothes for displaced people. His ‘Divya’ hand-cranked washing machines have been delivered to over 21,000 people in five countries, including in refugee camps in Iraq.

Also recognised at the event will be three high-profile honorary graduates whose contributions to public life span science, engineering, and public policy. Honorary graduates recognised by the University at the 2022 Winter Award Ceremonies will include:

Professor Catherine Green OBE, who played a pivotal role in the development of the Oxford / AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine.
Dr David Cleevely CBE, chairman for Raspberry Pi, the credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV and enables young people to explore computers and learn basic coding.
Rt Hon Professor Lord John Eatwell, former Principal Opposition Spokesman on Treasury and Economic Affairs, Chairman of the British Library, and the Chair the University’s Institute for Policy Research (IPR) Advisory Board.
Speaking in advance of the ceremonies, Vice-Chancellor and President at the University of Bath, Professor Ian White, said: “The University’s Winter Graduation ceremonies, which are taking place this week at the Assembly Rooms, will be special occasions to recognise the hard work of so many of our students. Those graduating this week should feel rightly proud of their tremendous achievements, and we look forward to celebrating with them and their families.

“I look forward also to welcoming our three exceptional Honorary Graduates: Professor Catherine Green, Dr David Cleevely and Rt Hon Lord John Eatwell. Their contributions to public life have been outstanding and we look forward to welcoming them, along with our graduating students, into our growing and international alumni community.”