University of Birmingham: East Birmingham should be testbed for heat decarbonisation

In a new report, led by the University of Birmingham, energy experts have called for decision-making on heat decarbonisation to be devolved to regional governments.

The Policy Commission report “Pathways to Local Heat Delivery”, was launched in Birmingham, following a Parliamentary launch for MPs. The report also emphasises the need to balance these on-the-ground local decisions with long-term policy decisions from Government. This long-term view includes a recommendation for three pathfinder projects, funded by the Government, that will decarbonise 30,000 homes in the next five years.

East Birmingham, comprising Small Heath, Tyseley and Hodge Hill, largely mirrors the national housing stock in terms of different types and building ages, so could be an ideal site for one of the projects, say the report’s authors. The area also has significant facilities for energy production and large, untapped waste heat facilities at Tyseley Energy Park.

As a leading light in the green industrial revolution that will shape this century, the West Midlands has the leadership, ingenuity, and spirit of collaboration required to develop the winning solutions we need.
Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands
Professor Martin Freer, Director of the Birmingham Energy Institute, said: “The Government needs to invest in these large projects to learn how to retrofit and decarbonise neighbourhoods at scale. The way to find out how to do that is to start doing it. At some point we have to commit – that time is now.”

The combined authority, local councils and universities, including the University of Birmingham, are all pursuing clean heat projects which could fit within the pathfinder.

Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands, said: “A key part of my mayoral mission has been a clear commitment to our ambitious #WM2041 target to become a net zero region by 2041 – improving quality of life for local residents.

“Heat policy – including making our domestic heat provision cleaner and more energy efficient – will play an important role in helping us to tackle the climate emergency. It is a policy field well suited to a close working partnership between regional authorities and central government.

“As a leading light in the green industrial revolution that will shape this century, the West Midlands has the leadership, ingenuity, and spirit of collaboration required to develop the winning solutions we need.”

Cllr Ian Courts, West Midlands Combined Authority portfolio holder for environment and energy, Leader of Solihull Council, said: “Investing in real-world research is key to developing the new technologies we need to tackle climate change. I welcome the report and support its recommendations. In Solihull we are progressing a project to deliver affordable low carbon energy to the town centre and will soon be retro-fitting homes in Solihull and Coventry as part of a Government-funded trial.

“We need the policies and commitment from partners and Government to expand this work at scale and to make better use of all existing and new technologies. Councils are best placed to engage with local communities and businesses to maximise the benefits of a low carbon future and to ensure we adapt our solutions to the needs of our diverse communities and differing business environments we serve.”

Amid rising energy costs and worsening fuel poverty, the report sends a timely reminder that clean technologies are already available that could move homeowners and businesses away from fossil fuels.

To implement them successfully, however, will require a clear strategy backed by sufficient investment. And at the heart of that should be statutory targets for local authorities backed by resources to map existing technologies and engage with local communities.

The report was led by researchers at the University’s Birmingham Energy Institute in collaboration with the Energy Research Accelerator. It was chaired by Sir John Armitt, chairman of the UK’s National Infrastructure Commission.

“British policy on heat decarbonisation needs a reset,” said Sir John. “The keys to this are simplicity, place and funding. Low carbon-heat is an inherently local challenge, with decisions about technologies and infrastructure varying by neighbourhood. It makes sense that councils lead this process.

“At the same time, the national approach has grown too complicated and needs streamlining. Again, the way to do this is by devolving decision-making to local governments.”

The report also includes a set of recommendations on thermal efficiency, including proposals to overhaul both the way thermal efficiency is calculated, and the system of grants and loans available.

“Getting on with efficiency improvements regardless of a ‘final heat solution’ is a no regrets move which will create jobs and reduce demand. To implement this, we need simple policy and support mechanisms,” added Sir John.