University of Birmingham: University of Birmingham professor awarded MBE for services to oral and dental health

Professor Chapple, currently Head of Research at the University’s Institute of Clinical Sciences and a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry with Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, receives the award for services to oral and dental health.

Professor Chapple studied at Newcastle Dental School before completing his PhD at the University of Birmingham. He is a world-renowned researcher in the field of periodontology with more than 240 scientific peer-reviewed articles published in leading journals. As a clinical scientist with a strong interest in basic science, his research has focused on basic biological discovery science with a strong translational focus into clinical practice.

In 2018 he was announced as the recipient of the International Association of Dental Research’s Distinguished Scientist Award for his research into periodontal diseases. Only three UK dentists have been selected previously for the prize. In 2021 he was awarded the European Federation of Periodontology’s (EFP) 2022 Eminence Award, the fourth recipient since 1991 and first in the UK.

Professor Chapple is passionate about his work for the British Society of Periodontology, The EFP, The Oral and Dental Research Trust and the Office of the Chief Dental Officer.

On hearing he had been awarded an MBE Professor Chapple commented: ‘I am truly delighted, as this recognises the importance to society of preventing oral and in particular periodontal diseases. I have been enormously privileged to work with fantastic teams in Birmingham, nationally and internationally and this recognises both their work and the unwavering support of my wonderful family’.