University of Calgary: UCalgary hosts virtual Campfire Chats in honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day

In honour of National Indigenous Peoples’ Day on June 21, the University of Calgary presents its seventh annual Campfire Chats. Hosted virtually, this year’s program will celebrate Indigenous culture and discuss the Buffalo Treaty, first signed on Sept. 24, 2014. The Buffalo Treaty recognizes, honours and revitalizes the relationship we have with buffalo, and as members work to restore their population, they are also reclaiming lost traditional knowledge of the land.

The event will be moderated by Elder Reg Crowshoe, Hon. LLD’01. Elder Rod Hunter and his drum group, Eya-Hey Nakoda, will perform the UCalgary Honour Song. Guests will have the opportunity to listen and learn from a panel of Traditional Knowledge Keepers and allies including Leroy Little Bear, Dr. Tasha Hubbard, PhD’16, and Marie-Eve Marchand.

Campfire Chats, launched during UCalgary’s 50th anniversary in 2016, is typically a full day of rich cultural programming. Previous programming included teepee raising, storytelling, dancing, drumming and singing.