University of Cape Town: UCT gears up for 2022 First-Year Campus Reception programme

It’s that time of the year when the University of Cape Town (UCT) welcomingly opens its doors to first-year students who have been accepted for their inaugural year of study at Africa’s leading university.

The First-Year Campus Reception programme, which was introduced for the first time in 2021, will take place in the Sports Centre on upper campus from 29 to 31 January under strict COVID-19 protocols. The slick, jam-packed three-day event allows students to walk into one venue and leave with everything they need to kick-start their journeys as students at UCT.

One-stop shop

The First-Year Campus Reception service makes everything simple and stress-free.

Students will receive their student cards, which, before the programme was introduced, had always been a scramble. Often students would get lost on their way to UCT Access Control – the location on upper campus where students and staff normally receive their identification cards.

Further, students will also receive assistance with logging into PeopleSoft – UCT’s online self-service student administration portal, and to sign the necessary declarations. PeopleSoft contains students’ academic records, timetables, course marks and personal information. And students who have opted to join the UCT Laptop Programme will be able to collect their laptops on the day.