University Of Edinburgh hosts science at city festival


A wide-ranging programme of events involving Edinburgh experts has been announced, as the citywide festival makes a welcome return to giving audiences engaging, hands-on science experiences.

The Edinburgh Science Festival – the world’s first and Europe’s biggest – takes place from 1 to 16 April 2023.

Among the events is a series that forms part of the 60th anniversary celebrations of computer science and artificial intelligence (AI) research at the University.

The series includes hands-on sessions on AI’s impact on journalism, a chance to see leading-edge robots up close, and a recreation of the MENACE matchbox computer built by Edinburgh AI pioneer Donald Michie in 1961.

Research milestone
The events are the latest development in computer science and AI since the University established its first research hubs in the disciplines 60 years ago. A year-long programme of events will mark achievements over the past six decades and look to the future of computer science and AI at Edinburgh.

More information about the 60 year celebration:

I am delighted that so many members of our University community are part of the Edinburgh Science Festival as it makes a very welcome return to giving audiences engaging, hands-on science experiences. This year the University celebrates a hugely significant milestone, our sixtieth anniversary of computer science and AI research, so it is especially pleasing that we are providing an opportunity for people to learn about the history of these fascinating disciplines and explore what the future may hold for them.

Professor Sir Peter Mathieson
Principal and Vice-Chancellor
Packed programme
The University community plays a key role in the festival. This year dozens of researchers will share their expertise and insights, leading events and experiences for members of the public.

Below is a list of all the events involving Edinburgh academics, organised by theme.