University Of Edinburgh, University of Copenhagen join hands to bring more potential for researchers


Staff are encouraged to apply for funding to explore potential research collaborations and new joint teaching and learning initiatives.

Seed funding
A seed fund has been established to bring together academic, researcher and Professional Services colleagues from partner institutions to develop joint projects that will strengthen both universities’ growing bilateral partnership through developing multidisciplinary cutting-edge research and curriculum to create academic and societal impact.

Approximately ten proposals will be funded. Each successful proposal may receive up to approx. £10,000/100,000 DKK from each university.

Copenhagen partnership
A delegation of Edinburgh representatives are currently in Copenhagen building on long-standing partnerships through both student exchange programmes and existing research collaborations.

In November 2019, a UCHP delegation visited Edinburgh with a purpose of strengthening existing relations, identifying new areas of student and staff exchange options, and gaining new insights in relation to education.

Both institutions see the potential for more collaboration within existing areas including social data science, regenerative medicine, and sustainability.

The University of Edinburgh looks forward to building our links with the University of Copenhagen, seeking out educational opportunities and supporting more of our researchers to work together on multidisciplinary projects for the common good. Copenhagen has already shown huge commitment to our partnership and our visit is part of our plan to reciprocate. We remain committed to Europe and to deepening our existing relationships, diversifying our engagement and enabling innovative collaborations.

Professor Sir Peter Mathieson
Principal and Vice-Chancellor, the University of Edinburgh
Grant details
Funding for the related grants is available from mid-April 2023 until 31 December 2024.

Applications opened on 6 January and will close on 1 March 2023.

Successful applicants will be notified in early April 2023

Latest date for projects to start is 15 April. However, for Edinburgh applicants, your local Research Office may need to set a later date in particular if the project involves the recruitment of a Research Assistant.