University of Exeter receives nominations for entrepreneurship education at national awards

The University of Exeter has secured three nominations at the 2023 National Enterprise Educators Awards.

The University of Exeter is shortlisted alongside the University of Essex and Falmouth University in the ‘Entrepreneurship Catalyst’ category, which recognises ‘delivery of exceptional entrepreneurship education or practice inside or outside the curriculum’.

Dr Corrina Cory, Associate Professor in Engineering & Entrepreneurship and Raphael Dennett, Deputy Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship at The University of Exeter are each individually shortlisted in the ‘Pioneer in Enterprise Education’ category for their exceptional work in Engineering and the Centre for Entrepreneurship, respectively.

The awards recognise excellence within enterprise and entrepreneurship education in UK higher and further education and are hosted by Enterprise Educators UK – the leading independent membership network for enterprise educators.

Emily Davies, Head of Student Entrepreneurship at The University of Exeter said: “Entrepreneurship education is fundamental in equipping and empowering our students with the skills and mindset to become change-makers now and in the future. We are thrilled that the exceptional dedication and achievements of colleagues across the institution is being recognised at these prestigious awards.”

The University of Exeter’s nomination in the ‘Entrepreneurship Catalyst’ category recognises the work that is being carried out across the university to embed entrepreneurship into the student experience, including the With Proficiency in Entrepreneurship pathway and the Student Startups programmes.

Dr Corrina Cory has been recognised for her work updating the Exeter Engineering Programmes using multi-disciplinary Gold Standard Project Based Learning (GSPBL), with a focus on global engineering challenges and entrepreneurship. She has also facilitated the opening of the Engineering Maker Space on Exeter’s Streatham Campus, a unique space where students can work collaboratively and test and build prototypes using specialised equipment.

Speaking about the awards, Dr Cory said: “I am so proud of the E21 (Engineering The Future) programme at Exeter and so pleased to reach the final shortlist for my role in developing inclusive, blended Gold Standard Project Based Learning. I would like to thank all our Engineering colleagues, with extra thanks to our great team of Engineering and Entrepreneurship Lecturers and the Start Up and Boyden Teams for their hard work and support.”

Raphael Dennett has been shortlisted in recognition of his leadership and direction of the ‘With Proficiency in Entrepreneurship’ pathway – an undergraduate pathway which allows students from any discipline to enrol in a series of modules which focus on venture creation and entrepreneurial thinking.

When asked about his nomination, Raphael said: “It is such an honour to have been nominated and made a finalist for the Pioneer in Enterprise Education Category for the NEEA awards this year. It is such an exciting time at Exeter and it brings me great joy to see the valuable impact that we are having on our student’s lives, nurturing the next generation who can contribute to solving the world’s biggest challenges.”

In addition to being shortlisted in these individual categories, The University of Exeter is also shortlisted in the People’s Choice Award, voted for by the public.