University of Freiburg Boosts Mobility and Digital Networking within Eucor Alliance

During the strategy time period 2024-2030 for the international university alliance Eucor – The European Campus, the University of Freiburg will strengthen international mobility and digital networking among the member universities and expand its focus on sustainability. Over the next seven years, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) will fund the State’s Eucor universities, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the University of Freiburg, with a total of 5.5 million euros within the alliance. The University of Freiburg will receive 2.7 million euros of this. Shortly before the start of the new strategic time period, Eucor President Prof. Dr Andrea Schenker-Wicki, Rector of the University of Basel, and Eucor Vice President Prof. Dr Thomas Hirth, KIT Vice President for Innovation and International Affairs, were confirmed in office.

“To strengthen cross-border cooperation and dialogue as much as possible”

“We are very pleased to be able to substantially strengthen the Eucor alliance together with our partners and to contribute our expertise in mobility, digital networking and sustainability,” explains Prof. Dr Daniela Kleinschmit, Vice Rector for Internationalisation and Sustainability at the University of Freiburg. “The aim is to intensify cross-border cooperation and encounters in the best possible way, including as part of the University of Freiburg’s overall strategy.” Zitat MWK (optional)

The further development of mobility and digital networking envisages, among other things, that students will be able to register even more easily across campuses, register for courses at all five member universities and access teaching materials. In addition, the exchange of researchers and staff between the Eucor universities of Basel, University of Freiburg, Haute-Alsace, Strasbourg and KIT is to be further promoted in the coming funding period.

Networking on the topic of sustainability

In terms of content, the University of Freiburg will continue to promote the key topic of sustainability within the network and strengthen networking in particular. New formats for this will include a summer school for doctoral students and exploratory workshops for researchers. They are intended to promote cooperation and enable cross-border dialogue. In addition, synergies are to be created with the activities of the new Sustainability Innovation Campus, which is currently being established by the University of Freiburg and KIT.

About the university alliance Eucor – The European Campus

Eucor – The European Campus is a trinational alliance among five universities in the Upper Rhine region in the heart of Europe. Its members include the Universities of Basel, Freiburg, Haute-Alsace, Strasbourg and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Together, the universities crystallise the skills of some 17,000 researchers, 9,900 doctoral students and 120,000 students in a region that is economically strong and research-intensive in the heart of Europe. Their aim is to build a scientific space with a clearly defined profile, without walls or borders and with international outreach.