University of Freiburg opens Skillslab for midwifery students

Midwifery students at the University of Freiburg can now practice a variety of practical skills in their own skillslab. The Skillslab consists of specially equipped simulation rooms in which many different midwifery scenarios can be practiced. The trainee midwives can thus test and expand their knowledge in a guided setting before going into clinical practice.

Modern midwifery training
The establishment of the Skillslab bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application: “The Skillslab is an essential component of modern midwifery training and, as an additional place of learning, makes a significant contribution to enabling prospective midwives to optimally develop their skills and competencies,” says Pia-Cecilia Steinbrück, Head of the Bachelor’s program in Midwifery Science. The first group started its program in the 2021/2022 winter semester at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Freiburg. The new Skillslab is located in the premises of the Freiburg Innovation Centre (FRIZ) in the western region of Freiburg.

Learning from mistakes
The simulation rooms cover all relevant areas of midwifery. For example, students can practice placing an intravenous line, accompanying the various phases of a birth and caring for newborns. Training will also be provided on how to deal with emergencies. The learning environment of the Skillslab is designed to make it easier for students to learn from their mistakes, to gradually expand their own skills and to start their everyday work with confidence.

Further improving the quality of obstetric care
In addition, the Skillslab can help foster qualities such as empathy, sensitivity, and emotional intelligence. For example, through role-playing and simulations, students learn to communicate well, provide emotional support and respond to the individual needs of the person they are caring for. “The Skillslab is designed to provide a learning environment where all students feel equally respected and appreciated,” Steinbrueck says. “We encourage students to explore their own identities and contribute their perspectives to further improve the quality of obstetric care.”