University Of Glasgow Hosts Speakers To Celebrate Adam Smith’s Anniversary


The University of Glasgow has announced Gita Gopinath, Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Nobel Prize winner Professor Angus Deaton, and Distinguished Professor of Economics at the University of Illinois, Deirdre Nansen McCloskey, as prestigious speakers for its Adam Smith Tercentenary Week.

Tercentenary Week will take place in Glasgow from 5-10 June. It is part of the UofG’sAdam Smith 300 celebrations, which are taking place throughout 2023.

The lectures by Gita Gopinath and Professor Angus Deaton are kindly supported by The Hunter Foundation. These will be closely aligned with the Foundation’s objectives of systemic issues in Adam Smith’s 300th year.

Other activities, including Professor McCloskey’s lecture, are part of a series of events supported by the John Templeton Foundation for the tercentenary.

The week will conclude with a day of activities, discussion, music and art at the University of Glasgow. International scholars and practitioners will bring Smith into conversation with contemporary issues. Confirmed panellists including world leading economists such as Professor Sir Tim Besley, London School of Economics; Professor Anne Case, Princeton University; and Professor Benjamin Friedman, Harvard University.

Participants will also enjoy a range of commemorative events throughout the week including:

• Displays of Adam Smith artefacts from the UofG collections
• Academic workshops discussing Smith’s legacy and insights
• Adam Smith Student Day