University of Göttingen: Professor Lutz Ackermann Ranked Among Top Ten Worldwide in Organic Chemistry Research

Lutz Ackermann, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Göttingen, has again been recognised as one of the most influential and most cited scientists in the world. A ranking by Stanford University in the USA lists the researcher in first place in Germany and sixth place worldwide in his research field of organic chemistry. In the ranking for all subjects, Ackermann was in seventh place in Germany. The list is compiled by a research team led by Professor John P A Ioannidis which has evaluated citations from scientists.


The ranking lists more than 200,000 top researchers. The selection is based on the top 100,000 scientists according to “c-score” and the top two per cent in each primary research field. The c-score focuses on impact (citations) rather than the number of publications and it also incorporates information on co-authorship and author position. For the ranking, the publications from a researcher’s entire academic career to date were analysed.


A separate list analyses the publications in 2022. Here, too, Ackermann leads the list of researchers in Germany in his field.