University of Greenwich hosts Progressive Economics 2023

This year’s conference will focus on the debate of education on policies that tackle a range of economic challenges, including the cost-of-living crisis, global supply problems, environmental degradation, war, inequalities, Brexit, Covid-19, and the care economy.

Speakers include MPs John McDonnell and Bell Ribeiro-Addy, The Observer’s Will Hutton and Economist and former MP Molly Scott Cato among many other influential, global figures.

Attendees will be able to attend and hear panels on green, caring and just transition, inequalities, the cost-of-living crisis, Brexit, fiscal policy, monetary policy, industrial policy and macroeconomic policy coordination with MPs, academics, journalists, and researchers from think-tanks and civil society organisations.

Further speakers include Lord Robert Skidelsky, Frank van Lerven (World Bank), Stephany Griffith-Jones (Banco Central de Chile), Carys Roberts (IPPR), Ann Pettifor (Prime), Rebekah Diski (NEF), David Barmes (Positive Money), Faiza Shaheen (PEF), Peter Holmes (Trade Policy Observatory), Shreya Nanda (Social Market Foundation), Janet Williamson (TUC), Geoff Tily (TUC), Danny Dorling (Uni of Oxford), Michael Jacobs (Uni of Sheffield), Guy Standing (SOAS), Susan Himmelweit (Open Uni), Stewart Lansley (Uni of Bristol), James Meadway (PEF), Özlem Onaran (UoG), Mehmet Ugur(UoG), Maria Nikolaidi (UoG), Rob Calvert Jump (UoG), Ben Tippet (UoG), among others. The conference will begin with opening remarks from Deppty Vice-Chancellor Prof. Andrew Westby.