University of Greenwich Joins UBEL Consortium, Aiming to Cultivate World-Leading Researchers

UBEL is one of the 15 Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTP) that the ESRC has announced it will fund for the next five years across the UK. UBEL will cover the breadth of social sciences, as well as areas of interdisciplinary research.

UBEL studentships will include an additional three months of time (and stipend) to allow extra time for training throughout the PhD, and a three-month placement in an organisation relevant to but not involved in the student’s research.

The partnership with the ESRC will see Greenwich host students across three disciplines:

Gender and Sexuality (Intersectional Gender Inequalities) – UoG Pathway contact:  Prof. Tracey Reynolds, FLAS

International Development (Climate, Environment and Development)- UoG Pathway contact: Prof John Morton, NRI

Multilingual practices (Languages across Populations and Narratives) – UoG Pathway contact: Prof Maria Arche, FLAS

The Greenwich academics said:

“We are delighted that the university’s research excellence and track record of supervising PhDs in these areas of the social sciences have been recognised in our joining UBEL.

“We look forward to working with the other members of UBEL in supervising world-leading research projects, piloting new training models, and increasing doctoral training opportunities for students of diverse backgrounds.”

Prospective applicants need to apply through the UBEL website, and applicants must ensure they name an individual supervisor, within one of the pathways.

Professor Andrew Westby, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Knowledge Exchange) at the University of Greenwich said:

“The University of Greenwich is delighted to join the UBEL doctoral training programmes. We are committed to the highest standards of doctoral training and engagement in UBEL broadens the range of UKRI doctoral programme in which we are partners. Other programmes include the UK Food Systems Centre for Doctoral Training and the London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme.

“Our participation is excellent recognition of the three UoG academics involved and their work.”

UBEL is a Doctoral Training Partnership between University of Greenwich, University College London, Birkbeck University of London, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, SOAS University of London and University of East London.

UBEL is one of the 15 Doctoral Training Partnerships across the UK funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), providing postgraduate students with high-quality social science research training.

Julie Dockrill, Director of the UBEL DTP said:

“UBEL is pleased to welcome the University of Greenwich as a partner in our recently commissioned Doctoral Training Partnership. The inclusion of the university of Greenwich adds strength to the development of our training portfolio for the next generation of social scientists.”