University of Greenwich shines in Times Higher Impact Rankings

The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings measure global universities’ success in delivering the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are the only global performance tables that assess universities against these SDGs. The SDGs are an indication of universities’ positive impact on society and the planet.Logo

After successive years of climbing the worldwide rankings, the University of Greenwich has made it into the top 100 of global institutions, placing 86th out of nearly 1,600 that were assessed.

The university had particularly strong showings across several of the 17 SDGs. Ranking 14th for Partnerships for the Goals, 20th for Reduced Inequalities, 27th in Life on Land and 36th for Responsible Production and Consumption.

The University of Greenwich was the highest ranked University Alliance university and among the top five modern UK universities.

Vice-Chancellor & CEO of the University of Greenwich, Professor Jane Harrington said:

“It is very encouraging to see us continue to perform so strongly in areas which are so vital to us all at the university. To rank in the top 100 global institutions is a true reflection of everyone in our community who contributes to living our values, which are so closely aligned with the those of the SDGs.

“Being consistently recognised for our work in these key categories shows that while there is still plenty to be done, we are having a positive impact on the world around us and that is something we should all be proud of.”