University of Guelph Restricts Public Access to Course and Instructor Information

Following the tragedy at the University of Waterloo targeting a philosophy of gender studies course and its professor, the University of Guelph is removing course information from its publicly accessible website.

In preparation for the fall semester, course information including classroom times and locations, instructor and faculty names will now be accessible only through the University’s secure login.

Assessments of classrooms have also been conducted to ensure appropriate safety measures are in place.

“The University of Guelph is committed to fostering safe and inclusive spaces for all,” said Dr. Gwen Chapman, provost and vice-president (academic).

“The tragedy at the University of Waterloo has prompted universities across Canada, including U of G, to review security measures and do all we can to keep our community safe,” she added.

Community members are also encouraged to access the University’s training and resources around fostering safe and inclusive spaces including anti-racism and anti-oppression training, sexual and gender-based violence training and the Positive Space project.