University of Helsinki: University of Helsinki and Tampere University launch a new doctoral path of industry innovations


Two of Finland’s largest universities, together with the Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation and participating companies, are launching a joint doctoral path for doctoral researchers.

The goal of the pilot is to build a scalable operating model that develops research expertise in an industry-oriented manner and seeks solutions to the grand challenges of our time. The model enables the utilization of the latest scientific knowledge in industry while taking into account the academic requirements of research work. By developing cooperation between companies and academic research, industry will be provided with the know-how it needs now and in the future to improve its competitiveness,.

In this operating model, research topics will come from industry and doctoral researchers will work in close cooperation with the companies providing the topics. Of the eight researchers who will be selected in the program, four will be located at the University of Helsinki and four at Tampere University.

The researchers will sign a four-year employment contract with one of the two universities and receive guidance from professors from both. In addition, each doctoral student will be guided and supported by the partner company providing the research topic. The industry partners will participate in the costs of the work whilst most of the funding for the research and development of the operating model will come from the Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation.

In addition to new research knowledge, the doctoral path will produce skilled professionals for industry with good interaction and teamwork skills as well as strong professional networks and the ability to apply research results in a business-oriented manner. The doctoral path will include courses from both universities, excursions, innovation training and meetings and workshops with visiting industry experts.

The theme of the industrial innovation doctoral pilot is “big data sustainability”. This includes finding sustainable solutions to global challenges by utilizing natural sciences and software engineering.

The model is based on the Doctoral School of Industry Innovations (DSII) program created by Tamlink Ltd and Tampere University, which has been implemented for eight years. In the pilot, the DSII model will be further developed and expanded in cooperation with the University of Helsinki and the Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation. The five-year pilot project has a budget of around three million euros.

New information and utilization of research
“Finnish companies should be able to utilize the contribution and know-how of doctoral researchers from higher education institutions better thantoday. In addition, it should be possible to offer researchers in doctoral programs more diverse range of career paths. A more flexible movement of researchers between universities and companies would strengthen both companies’ growth opportunities and universities’ working life connections, says Aaro Cantell, Chairman of the Board of the Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation.

“Our goal is to develop innovation activities and business cooperation so that our versatile and high-level research work can bring solutions to the grand problems of our time and support sustainable development, including industry”, says Dean Sasu Tarkoma of University of Helsinki.

“In cooperation with the University of Helsinki and the Technology Industries of Finland, the tested and proven operating model will be taken to the next level. The Finnish innovation ecosystem can take big steps forward with the help of this pilot”, says director Pauli Kuosmanen from Tampere University, emphasizing that this is a pilot phase for bigger future plans.