University of Houston Fully Engaged for the 2023 Energy Day Festival

Houston is gearing up for the 2023 Energy Day Festival on Saturday, Oct. 21. The free event, targeted to Houston-area K-12 students and their families, highlights the fun and positive aspects of STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – as well as career opportunities in energy and energy-related industries. The event, held at Sam Houston Park, tends to draw thousands of attendees.

This year’s event has nearly 70 scheduled interactive demonstrations, activities and exhibits. University of Houston is actively participating and adding to the fun:

UH STEM Center Solar Bead Assembly; AirZooka- Wind Energy
UH Energy/TIEEP Hands-on Distillation Activity
Mech Engineering/ Cullen College of Engineering Vibration control of a pipeline
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Bollini group: redox reaction between glucose and air, which shows various colors; Conrad group: Demo oil spill cleanup, polymers and shear-thickening (oobleck); Grabow group: Fuel Cell toy car, Color changing mechanical balls, Crystal and Zeolite structure demo; Rimer group: Crystal Engineering project, Zeolite showcase; Robertson group: demo involving sustainable polymers.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Demonstration of rechargeable batteries. Children will get to make fruit batteries
Texas Center for Superconductivity Activities exploring magnetism, electromagnetism, levitation including superconducting levitation
Energy & Environmental Law Society Trivia and coloring

There will also be a t-shirt design contest for students to create an Energy-related concept. The winning shirt will be worn by UH Energy staff during the event.

Energy Day is hosted by the Consumer Energy Education Foundation and the Consumer Energy Alliance. This is the festival’s 11 th anniversary.