University Of Mannheim Business Administration Professors Get Top Rankings


Prof. Dr. dr hc mult Christian Homburg and senior professor Dr. dr hc Martin Weber received top positions in the WirtschaftsWoche research ranking, category life’s work

For Prof. Dr. dr hc mult. Christian Homburg and senior professor Dr. dr hc Martin Weber it is the second “double victory” in a row. Already in 2020, when WirtschaftsWoche published its last research ranking, the two Mannheim business administration professors were in first and second place in the ranking in the “Lifetime Achievement” category. Position 13 on the same list is held by Prof. Stefan Reichelstein, Ph.D.

In the list of the 50 strongest research professors of the last 5 years Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl (37th place) and Prof. Dr. dr hc mult. Homburg (41st place) successfully placed.

The ranking can be accessed online here with a WiWo+ subscription . The article can be accessed via the University of Mannheim’s WISO database via the University of Mannheim’s web access .

The ranking of the most research-intensive business economists is published every two years in WirtschaftsWoche. The ranking lists the publications of people who work at chairs, Fraunhofer and Max Planck institutes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (including post-docs and junior professorships). The data source is the bibliometric web portal Forschungsmonitoring, which is operated by the economic research institute KOF of the ETH Zurich.