University of Mannheim: International university alliance U7+ calls on G7 heads of state to strengthen academic freedom

Die internationale Hochschul­allianz U7+ hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, entscheidende gesamt­gesellschaft­liche Themen und Fragen, wie Klimakrise, Digitalisierung und Ungleichheit, an politische Akteurinnen und Akteure heranzutragen, um ihre Bearbeitung voranzutreiben. In der aktuellen, kürzlich veröffentlichten Erklärung fordert U7+ die Regierungs­chefs der G7 auf, die Wissenschafts­freiheit zu verteidigen, und warnt davor, dass ein Wiederaufleben der Autokratie die institutionelle Unabhängigkeit der Hochschul­bildung beeinträchtigt. „Die Krise der Demokratie, die sich in zunehmendem politischem Extremismus und in der Polarisierung zeigt, bedroht die Freiheit einiger Hochschul­lehr­enden, kontroverse Themen in Forschung und Lehre zu behandeln“, heißt es unter anderem in der Erklärung.

The U7+ Alliance calls on the G7 member states to ensure that researchers and teachers can carry out their work free of domestic and foreign political influences. The statement also emphasized the unique role that universities can play: providing policymakers with scientific insights on a wide range of issues, including climate change, public health, diversity and migration.

The statement was released following the annual U7+ Presidential Summit, held this year in Nice, France.

professor dr Thomas Fetzer, Vice Rector for Structural and Development Planning, Internationalization and Gender Equality at the University of Mannheim, took part in the summit meeting in Nice. “We are finding – at the University of Mannheim and in international exchange – that academic freedom has come under pressure in many of our partner countries and that we live in a time in which science and academic freedom are increasingly being called into question,” added Fetzer the reasons for the declaration. The lawyer also emphasizes: “Defending academic freedom is not about research funds and recognition for researchers, but about the fact that academic freedom is essential for the rule of law and democracy.”

Rector of the University of Mannheim elected to the executive committee of the Allianz
During this year’s meeting, Professor Dr. Thomas Puhl, Rector of the University of Mannheim, was elected to the Presidential Steering Committee of the U7+ Alliance for two years. The committee consists of eight representatives from various member universities. It represents the U7+ Alliance to the outside world and proposes thematic priorities. Puhl, who has been involved in the alliance since it was formed, is delighted with the election: “The role of the universities in shaping acute political and social developments can hardly be overestimated. Our research creates the tools for dealing with challenges such as the climate crisis and ongoing de-democratization, and we train the next generation who will have to use them in the future. Therefore, it is important to continue pushing the U7+ effort.”