University of Mannheim: Over 130 scholarship recipients honored in the 2021/2022 academic year

138 students will receive funding in the 2021/2022 academic year with scholarships from the University of Mannheim, which offers four different types of scholarships: the Germany Scholarship, the Mannheim Opportunity Scholarship from the University of Mannheim Foundation, the Mannheim Scholarship from the City of Mannheim and the DAAD Matching Funds Scholarships for international students . The scholarship system is supplemented by the elite sport scholarship for the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region and the Bronnbach scholarship, which is aimed at future managers who want to train their cultural skills.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Puhl, Rector of the University of Mannheim, on the success story of the scholarship system at the University of Mannheim: “Taken together, our wide-ranging scholarship system sends out a strong common signal for Mannheim that shows: We have good people who we support in their diversity and in theirs take different issues seriously. “

The University of Mannheim proudly looks back on 10 years of the Germany Scholarship and thus the further development of top-class funding. In the past decade, more than 1,700 German scholarships have been awarded to high-performing students at the university, who receive non-material and material support. While around 40 Germany Scholarships were awarded in the founding year, the University of Mannheim has managed to almost triple the number of scholarships in the anniversary year, thus creating freedom for a total of 120 students for future commitment, social responsibility and outstanding academic achievements. For the anniversary year of the Deutschlandstipendium, the University of Mannheim has also launched a joint project: the faculty scholarships. There are over 13. 000 euros were raised from private donations from professors at the University of Mannheim. Thus nine additional Germany scholarships could be awarded. With the faculty scholarships, the university shows its solidarity, especially in challenging times of the pandemic – and honors the above-average achievements and the outstanding commitment of the Germany scholarship holders.

At the scholarship ceremony last Thursday, the scholarship holders met their sponsors and mentors in a festive setting. Prof. Dr. Annette Kehnel, Vice Rector for Studies and Teaching, invited to a personal exchange, because this not only helps the students to establish contacts, but also supports them in recognizing and developing strengths and skills.

Most of the ceremony was designed by the students themselves. Tom Könemann, Germany scholarship holder since 2017, moderated and guided around 120 guests through the evening. In keynote speeches on voluntary projects, for example, the alumna Weihua Wang reported on the non-profit social start-up “myBuddy”. The motto of the project, which was founded in 2021, is “simply.growing together”. The focus is on promoting intercultural exchange. The aim is to establish a Germany-wide integration platform and create international friendships.

An important part of the scholarship ceremony was the handover of certificates in person. The students not only had the opportunity to make trend-setting contacts, but also to express their personal thanks to their sponsors at an informal get-together. “For me, the Deutschlandstipendium means above all recognition and freedom and gives me the courage to continue striving for ambitious goals,” says the Deutschlandstipendium recipient Annika Götz.

Germany scholarship

In the current award period 2021/22, 120 Germany Scholarships will be awarded. The Germany Scholarship is aimed at students with above-average performance in school and studies as well as extracurricular or extra-university involvement. The scholarship supports students with 300 euros per month. The federal government pays 150 euros, the other half is raised by the university through private funding. These can be companies, foundations, the city or private individuals. In addition to financial support, contact with the grantors can also result in further non-material support.

Mannheim Opportunity Scholarship from the University of Mannheim Foundation

Financial emergencies are a heavy burden in the time-consuming everyday study routine and can endanger a successful degree. There are many reasons for such precarious living conditions. These include crisis situations, flight, lack of support from the family, disabilities, illnesses or caring for relatives. Thanks to donations from the Marie-Luise and Normann Stassen Foundation and the former Rheinhyp Support Fund for Eurohypo Employees eV (RUFE), the University of Mannheim Foundation has been promoting students who, despite their difficult economic situation, are highly motivated in their studies with the opportunity scholarships since 2017. The opportunity grant can support eleven students in the academic year 2021/2022.

Mannheim scholarship

With the Mannheim scholarship, the city of Mannheim has been supporting three students at the University of Mannheim with 150 euros per month since 2011, and thus also for ten years. Excellent performance and social commitment are required. The aim is to promote highly qualified specialists and young professionals.

DAAD Matching Funds Scholarships

The German Academic Exchange Service supports international students with the Matching Funds scholarships. These students are usually enrolled in courses that are carried out in partnership with foreign universities and thus receive double degrees. Similar to the Deutschlandstipendium, the DAAD doubles the donations from private sponsors. This year a total of six DAAD Matching Funds scholarships will be awarded.