University of Massachusetts Amherst: Mount Ida Campus of UMass Amherst Named a 2022 Mass Save Climate Leader


In recognition of its efforts to increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Mount Ida Campus of UMass Amherst has earned a 2022 Mass Save® Climate Leader Award.

“We are proud that the sponsors of Mass Save have recognized the efforts UMass Amherst has undertaken on our Mount Ida Campus to help make Massachusetts more energy efficient and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Jeff Cournoyer, managing director of the Mount Ida Campus of UMass Amherst.

The campus achieved its climate-leading status by reducing energy consumption by nearly 12% through projects including adding temperature controls and building management systems, updating roadway lighting and installing energy-efficient LED lights to campus post tops, Mass Save sponsors said.

Mass Save is a collaborative of six Massachusetts electric and natural gas utilities and energy efficiency service providers: Berkshire Gas, Cape Light Compact, Eversource, Liberty, National Grid and Unitil. It chose Oct. 5 to announce the 2022 Mass Save Climate Leaders because it is observed nationally as Energy Efficiency Day.

In April, UMass Amherst unveiled UMass Carbon Zero — an ambitious vision to limit the dangers of climate change and power the commonwealth’s 1,500-acre flagship campus with 100% renewable energy by approximately 2032.

Acquired from the former Mount Ida College in 2018, the Mount Ida Campus of UMass Amherst is a center for professional development and experiential learning, connecting the state’s flagship public research university to the Greater Boston business community and serving as a secondary instructional site for UMass Amherst.