Three new University of Michigan sustainability catalyst grants will support novel research projects to address vexing environmental challenges. Each new project received $10,000 from U-M’s Graham Sustainability Institute.

“Catching the Waves” focuses on deploying wave energy converters to power remote coastal communities, starting with Beaver Island in Lake Michigan. The project aims to provide clean, reliable energy and reduce dependence on diesel generators.

“Mussel Roads” uses biomimicry to enhance asphalt durability by developing materials inspired by mussel-binding proteins. The project aims to create more resilient roads, reduce repair-related waste and energy consumption, and improve road safety.

The third project, called “Plast-ick,” leverages artificial intelligence and satellite data to predict pollutants like PFAS in water bodies. The project aims to reduce the labor involved in tracking pollution and ensure that vital information reaches affected communities through collaboration with the Environmental Working Group.

The projects are designed to identify, engage and respond to the needs of external partners who are positioned to apply the project’s outputs in real-world decision-making and practice. The catalyst grant program has supported more than 40 projects since its inception in 2017.

More about the three newly funded projects:

Pollutants such as PFAS and pesticides pose significant threats to both the environment and human health. This research team aims to develop innovative solutions to reduce the labor required to identify and track pollutant hotspots in collaboration with the Environmental Working Group, a leading public interest organization at the forefront of mapping and communicating contamination issues that impact public health.

The project will use advanced AI algorithms and satellite data to predict pollutant presence in water bodies. By integrating AI techniques with hydrological models, the team hopes to improve prediction accuracy and gain insights into the sources of contamination, with a particular focus on PFAS.

The project is expected to yield a proof-of-concept AI model, a list of research questions for future exploration, and advancements in AI, remote sensing and sustainability research.

Project team: Elizabeth Bondi-Kelly, PI (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science); David Andrews (Environmental Working Group); Kaley Beins (Environmental Working Group); Aradhna Krishna (Ross School of Business)

With an energy density more than ten times that of wind energy, marine wave energy is a promising solution for sustainable power generation. Although prototypes have been deployed worldwide, demonstration of grid-connected wave energy converters is still lacking. To bridge this gap, this project team will conduct a feasibility study on powering remote and underserved coastal communities using cutting-edge wave energy research.

Beaver Island in Lake Michigan is home to approximately 600 permanent residents who depend on fragile power connections and diesel generators. Over the past year, the research team has engaged with Beaver Island residents, who will serve as the demonstrative end-users for this project. The project is designed to be highly transferable, with the potential to benefit thousands of islands across the United States facing similar energy challenges.

The catalyst grant will support a crucial aspect of the project: identifying the optimal location to deploy a wave energy converter on Beaver Island. Potential sites will be assessed on wave energy resources, environmental sustainability and community preferences. Finding just the right location for the WEC will represent a significant step toward empowering the Beaver Island community with clean and reliable energy, and will position the team favorably for follow-on funding.

Project team: Xiaofan Li, PI (Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering); Gail Gruenwald (Beaver Island Association); Ayumi Fujisaki-Manome (Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research/Climate & Space Sciences and Engineering); Lei Zuo (Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering)

Roads in cold climates and coastal regions face constant threats from harsh weather conditions, leading to rapid deterioration and posing safety risks to motorists. This project aims to strengthen asphalt roads, reducing the need for repairs and lessening their impact on the environment, economy, and society.

Drawing inspiration from mussel-binding proteins, the research team will develop specialized materials to enhance the bond between asphalt binders and aggregates. The team will investigate how these materials function at a molecular level, conduct practical strength tests and collaborate closely with a road expert to ensure their practical utility.

The ultimate objective is to create more durable asphalt, thereby minimizing issues like potholes and cracks. Increasing road resiliency will reduce waste and energy consumption associated with repairs, as well as pollution from asphalt processing.

Prolonging the lifespan of roads will also save money and enable funds to be allocated to other essential projects.

The research team hopes that by enhancing road safety and reducing traffic congestion, more durable roads will contribute to improved quality of life for communities, alleviating stress on commuters and travelers.

Project team: Jinsang Kim, PI (Materials Science and Engineering); Zhan Chen (Chemistry); Zhanping You (Civil, Environmental and Geospatial Engineering, Michigan Technological University)

The catalyst grant program at the Graham Sustainability Institute is administered by Maggie Allan ([email protected]). Visit Catalyst Grants to learn more about the program.