University of Newcastle: University of Newcastle scientist Professor Ravi Naidu receives prestigious global award for ground-breaking environmental research


Professor Naidu is Fijian of Indian descent, and is the founding director of the University of Newcastle’s Global Centre for Environmental Remediation (GCER) was recognised for his outstanding achievements and global leadership in the field of environmental research at an exclusive event at Parliament House in London, England on Friday, 30 September.

As a global leader in contamination studies, Professor Naidu’s work focuses on the remediation of contaminated soil, water and air, and the potential impacts of contaminants upon environmental and human health at a local, national and global level.

His research has led to the implementation of policy directives for governments and new technology to manage and remediate wastewater, polluted groundwater and soil, both in Australia and abroad.

Professor Naidu is thrilled with his work being acknowledged across the globe and being recognised by his home country.

“It’s quite a prestigious award for non-residency Indians. It was completely unexpected to receive such an honour and feels humbling to be recognised in such a way. My hope is that the award will help attract more attention to the issue of soil pollution,” Professor Naidu said.

“Soil pollution is at the centre of food security and climate change. At the GCER, we want to see how countries like Australia can help developing countries address the global issue of environmental health together.”

University of Newcastle’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation, Professor Zee Upton said this award is a testament to the excellent work the University’s researchers are pioneering.

“Professor Naidu’s contribution to environmental contaminants research has been outstanding and his leadership in this field is unmatched. We are pleased his research and contribution is receiving the global recognition it deserves,” Professor Upton said.

Professor Naidu is also Managing Director of The Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (CRC CARE).