University of Nottingham: Nottingham’s universities launch ambitious researcher training project to solve local community challenges


Nottingham Trent University and the University of Nottingham are joining together in an ambitious project bringing together researchers, community-focused organisations and citizens.

Over the next eight years, the Co(l)laboratory programme will undertake research projects to improve the lives of communities across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

50 PhD students and 50 ‘Citizen Scientists’ will be trained to participate in a unique programme of locally relevant, challenge-based research, supporting the development of the local economy, increasing productivity, driving growth and improving wellbeing.

The team is now inviting local, community-focused organisations to get in touch and help shape these research projects.

This is an exciting project which really brings together academia and the community in a collaborative way that’s not been seen before.
Rebekah Smith McGloin, Director, Doctoral School and Research Operations at Nottingham Trent University
She added: “It’s an opportunity for the community to get involved with research that makes a real difference to the lives and the livelihoods of people in Nottingham, and for academics and students to see how their research can impact the community around them.

“To kick start the project, we’re looking to hear from organisations in the community who are best placed to know what the real issues are that matter to those they come into contact with every day.

“They will have the opportunity to shape the direction our research projects take and collaboration with us on those projects. They will also benefit from practical skills development and training with the support of the project team.”

Jeremy Gregory
At the University of Nottingham, our doctoral researchers and academics are leading research projects addressing many of today’s global problems. But as an institution with a history firmly rooted in the City of Nottingham, this ground-breaking initiative will involve collaborations with locally-based experts and organisations to help tackle some of most pressing problems identified by our local communities.
Professor Jeremy Gregory, University of Nottingham lead for Civic Engagement and Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the Faculty of Arts
“Who could be better to help shape and contribute to the delivery of research projects, than the people who are dealing with these challenges on a daily basis? We look forward to working with these local experts to deliver real impact for our communities,” he added.

Once the first research priorities have been defined, project teams will be recruited based on experience in those areas, and research is expected to commence throughout the next year.

Community-focused organisations are invited to find out more about the project and to register their interest here.

Co(l)laboratory sits within the Universities for Nottingham Civic Agreement. A collaboration between our two world-class universities and eight key anchor institutions; the agreement sets out partners’ commitment to working across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, for the benefit of our people and place.