University of São Paulo: Biggest innovation and technology event in Ribeirão Preto starts on October 24


Between October 24th and 28th, Ribeirão Tech Week 2022 will take place , the biggest innovation and technology event in Ribeirão Preto and region. The festival will be completely free and open to the public, with a week of events spread throughout the city. Promoted by the Movimento Inova Ribeirão e Região, RTW aims to provide immersion and connectivity through activities related to technology, entrepreneurship and innovation, such as workshops, lectures and competitions, among others. Participating in the event are the USP Innovation Agency (Auspin) and the Supera Innovation and Technology Park, located on the USP campus in the city.

Among the highlights of the program is the lecture The Birth of the Residency in Innovation at USP , on October 26, from 9:30 am to 11 am, with the participation of Flávia Oliveira P. Vicentim, Innovation Manager at Auspin in Ribeirão Preto. Another topic, Agriculture 4.0 and the Challenges of Agribusiness , will be discussed on October 27, starting at 2 pm, by Alysson Santana, Marketing Manager at LongPing High-Tech. Both meetings will be held at the Teias coworking space, headquartered at USP’s Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting (FEA-RP), at Avenida Bandeirantes 3.900, Vila Monte Alegre, in Ribeirão Preto.

At Supera Parque ( Doctor Nadir Águiar 1.805, Jardim Doutor Paulo Gomes Romeo) there are also several activities, such as the Startup Investment Process workshop , with lawyer Alexandre Bonilha, president of the OAB Digital Law, Internet and Technology Commission , on October 24, at 4:30 pm. On October 25, from 2 pm to 4 pm, Robotics in the Park is aimed at young people between 15 and 20 years old, and will address programming concepts. Taught by Laura Teresa Ricoboni, responsible for Supera Educa and a graduate student in Biomedical Informatics at USP, the course has a theme focused on health. Teams will also design a robot with Lego Education pieces capable of carrying out the proposed challenge.