University of São Paulo: Brazil’s entry into the OECD depends on environmental counterparts and the end of poverty

Brazil was invited to open negotiations on its possible entry into the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) with other countries. In order to negotiate its entry, environmental counterparts were required, among others. In a letter, President Jair Bolsonaro said he is ready to negotiate and cited environmental commitments and an end to poverty as goals.

Professor Pedro Dallari, from USP’s Institute of International Relations (IRI), a member of the University’s Human Rights Commission and columnist for Rádio USP, commented on the case to Jornal da USP in Ar 1st Edition .

the OECD
Dallari explains that the OECD is an organization that brings together the main economies of the world and aims to establish standards for the functioning of the world economy. The organization comprises 38 countries, including members of NAFTA and the European Union.

The OECD emerged at the end of World War II, with the purpose of managing the resources of the Marshall Plan, when the United States and Canada collaborated financially for the reconstruction of their allied countries in Europe.

The organization changes its function with the consolidation of the European Union, when it starts to organize the richest countries, seeking to unify the global economy. Its disciplinary stance in relation to international trade begins, over time, to expand to environmental and social issues.

Belong to the OECD
When a country becomes a member of the OECD, it must comply with economic, social and environmental requirements. “The benefit of these countries in participating in the OECD, at least theoretically, is that, as they start to have healthier practices from an economic, social, and environmental point of view, they attract more investment and thus generate greater growth”, explains Dallari.

Some of the world’s largest economies, such as China, India, Russia and South Africa — members of the BRICS, of which Brazil is a member —, however, do not seek to be part of the OECD, as they believe that joining the organization would greatly limit their autonomy.

A limitation imposed by the organization is compliance with patent rights rules, mainly concentrated in the richest countries. Some countries believe this compromises their freedom to develop their own science and technology.

“Brazil is a very important economy. Undoubtedly, among the 38 OECD countries, most do not have the economic relevance of Brazil”, says the professor. It is necessary, however, to understand the pros and cons of joining Brazil.

Dallari says that the Lula and Dilma governments chose not to seek Brazil’s entry into the OECD, while since the Temer government and even in the Bolsonaro government, the reading is that it is more worth joining. “This is a political debate that will certainly emerge strongly in this year’s electoral process”, he highlights.