University of São Paulo: Caipira Corridor Project awards photos of the biodiversity of the interior of São Paulo

With the objective of valuing agrobiodiversity and strengthening the relationship between culture and nature in the region of Piracicaba, in São Paulo, the Caipira Corridor project , carried out by the Center for Support to Culture and University Extension in Education and Environmental Conservation (Nace-Pteca ) from the Luiz de Queiroz School of Agriculture (Esalq) at USP, awarded images that highlighted the biodiversity of the interior of São Paulo.

Held between June and July, the Connecting Landscapes and People photo contest considered the following sub-themes: agroecology; relations between culture and environment; relationships between human beings and nature; and regional native biodiversity (flora and fauna). A total of 343 photos were entered, produced by 71 people, including professional and amateur photographers. Rural Fauna , by Eduardo Kiehl, was the photograph chosen as the winner by the Technical Jury. Have yellow eyes , Rodrigo Borges Missano, was the most voted by the public image and the winner of the Jury Prize Popular. Both authors will win a balloon ride through the Piracicaba region, with the right to a companion.

The Caipira Corridor project aims to restore 45 hectares of forest in the municipalities of Piracicaba, Santa Maria da Serra, São Pedro, Águas de São Pedro and Anhembi, located in the interior of São Paulo, forming agroecological corridors that connect important forest fragments in the State of São Paulo. The actions will also indirectly benefit another 13 municipalities that will be among the priority areas for forest restoration. The aim is to improve connectivity between native forests that pass through the cities of Avaré, Analândia, Bofete, Botucatu, Charqueada, Corumbataí, Guareí, Ipeúna, Itatinga, Itirapina, Pardinho, Rio Claro and Torre de Pedra.

The photo contest is part of an action to promote the engagement of people, communities and institutions by carrying out a dialogic process of environmental education for local agro-ecologization. “We believe that society must be involved in this transformation process. We need to connect these people with training processes, with environmental education, so that the actions make sense to people and they are part of this transformation”, says agronomist Henrique Campos, who is one of the technical coordinators of the project.

The expectation is to create a network committed to socio-environmental transformation, bringing to light the role and importance of agroecological systems and rural culture as mobilizers for the involvement and union of the entire community.

In addition to Esalq, the initiative counts on the participation of the Luiz de Queiroz Agrarian Studies Foundation (Fealq) and sponsorship by Petrobras, through the Petrobras Socioenvironmental Program.