University of São Paulo: Lack of Political Integration Hinders Scientific Progress, Study Finds

Science serves as an end in itself, but also to be applied. And with problems in urban, social and environmental planning, one wonders why decisions have not yet been made to solve them, especially with so many experts warning about the issues. Marcos Buckeridge, vice-director of the Institute of Advanced Studies at USP, comments on the disconnect between science and politics in Brazil and around the world.

First, he provides an overview of the international situation. A climate expert, Buckerigde is headed to the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai. The event, which is one of the largest – if not the largest – gatherings of its kind in the world, is supposed to be the bridge between scientific solutions and political planning.

His report, however, is alarming: “Science does not play a strong role at the COPs. The COP is so poor in its discussions that the only thing that is seen in terms of science there is that the temperature is rising, the simplest things.” This goes against what was expected for a meeting of the size of a COP. He adds that “science does not play a more effective role in communicating with managers and decision-makers.”

According to him, it is not due to a lack of data, studies and experts – what is lacking is the integration of the system . While research is being done, practice still leaves much to be desired, compromising a large part of the potential of scientific production.

Situation in Brazil

If the scenario is already complicated at the UN meeting, it is no different in Brazil. The problem, as Buckeridge comments, starts with the system: “Today, we have a distortion: politicians [outside the Executive] are getting involved in the management of money that should be done exclusively by the Executive Branch.” Deputies, for example, end up taking on management positions as a result of the “give and take” policy without being specialists.

With the arrival of unprepared people in management positions, decisions are often based on political decisions, not on facts. “If we have Chambers that make decisions based on knowledge, and not on ideas and ideologies, this would lead us to take preventive measures,” says the professor. In the case of preventive measures, Buckeridge compares this policy to an “insurance policy,” which can upset people because it does not have immediate effects. An untrained politician tends to avoid these demands, and hence the need for an expert to lead the decision-making process.

Below the top positions, the Secretariats and Ministries are already set up with technicians and experts in the areas. “The system is ready; all that’s left is to connect it. These managers are generally very good, they are concerned, they understand the importance of preparation,” he says. According to him, Brazil produces relevant data and has a large group of competent professionals, but, as he adds, “prioritization is always done by the politician.”

The search

In order to elaborate on the fact that much of the research already exists, Buckeridge talks about the agenda items produced by the IEA . “They allow prioritization to be done and more specific public policies to be designed for different locations and different situations.” The policymaker can take these items and mix them together, integrating the proposals and adapting the research on a case-by-case basis. According to the researcher, these agenda items have enormous potential to support quality public policies, but unfortunately they are often ignored.

But it is not enough to follow a policy once and that is it. Buckeridge compares public policies to a pet: they need to be taken care of all the time. “From the moment the policy starts to be implemented, it has to be constantly adjusted, because the system keeps changing.” The system is fluid and innovation always needs to be updated; the problem in Brazil, according to him, is that it does not face this fact: “Brazil makes all the plans and thinks that simply making the plans will be enough to prevent an event.”