University of São Paulo launches course on economy, culture and power on the Internet for graduate students


Created in 2021, the subject Economy, Culture and Power on the Internet , will be offered again in 2023 by the Oscar Sala Chair – linked to the Institute of Advanced Studies (IEA) of USP, in partnership with the Information and Coordination Center of Ponto BR, the, and with the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee, the – and by the Dean of Graduate Studies at USP. The objective is to qualify discussions on the technical, economic, political, legal and cultural dimensions of the internet, contributing to the construction of public policies in the area.

Registration is now open for all regularly enrolled graduate students at USP and can be done through the Janus system. Starting on March 16, classes will be held at a distance, via a remote conference platform, on Thursdays, from 5:00 pm to 7:45 pm. Organized in 15 meetings, with theoretical classes and seminars, taught by renowned professors and specialists, it is structured in four distinct and complementary thematic modules: Technical fundamentals and concepts of the Internet; Political Economy of the Internet and Freedom; Law in the Digital Age; and Internet and Culture.

According to the coordination of the Chair, classes will open windows to students for an up-to-date understanding of the nature of the internet, its protocols and its governance, as well as its effects on the formation of social networks, on legal relations between people, organizations and countries, in the market (with a data economy that involves new ways of generating value), in art and in the humanities in general.