University of São Paulo: Public notice submits collection preservation and curation projects at USP for financial support


The Dean of Culture and University Extension (PRCEU) at USP launched a public notice to financially support projects for the preservation and curation of archival, bibliographic, scientific and museological collections in various areas of knowledge. This is the Public Notice for the Preservation and Curation of Collections and Cultural Heritage at USP , which allocates the amount of R$ 1,000,000.00 (one million reais) and will approve projects in two ranges: up to R$ 50,000 and R$ $50 to $100,000. The total value of the project must include all taxes and levies in accordance with current legislation.

Projects must be sent by active professors or employees, linked to teaching and research units, museums, specialized institutes and other USP bodies.

To register, the coordinator of the initiative must log in and register in the notices tab of the Apolo corporate system website , from September 1 to October 31, 2022. The application must be analyzed and approved by the Commission for Culture and University Extension (CCex) and registered by its president from November 1st to 11th, 2022. Only approved projects will be analyzed by the PRCEU.

Financial support is intended for projects that fall into the following modalities: documentation; cleaning and packaging; restoration; environmental management; installation of security systems; infrastructure; and diffusion.

Collections under the custody and responsibility of USP

The collections covered are those belonging to USP or under its custody and responsibility, framed in the following definitions: archival collection; institutional scientific collections; bibliographic collection; set of printed works; museum collection; and material testimonies in the most diverse supports.

Publicity materials, production of educational material, permanent and consumable material, third-party services (legal entity), daily allowances for technical-administrative staff and teachers, food and lodging expenses and small civil works related to the hygiene categories may be financed. and packaging, installation of security systems and infrastructure.

Proponents must attach a declaration that guarantees the right of reproduction and public dissemination of the results of the contemplated projects free of charge.

The initial list of selected projects will be released on November 21. Coordinators may file an administrative appeal from 22 to 25 November. The final list will be published on November 28, 2022.

The resources may be used for a maximum period of 12 months, according to the schedule established in this notice. The execution must be carried out from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 and the accountability must be carried out within 60 days after the end of the execution.

The publicity material of the winners must include the PRCEU logo with the indication of support and the following text: “This project was financed through the Preservation and Curatorship of Collections and Cultural Heritage at the University of São Paulo, from the Pro-Rectory of Culture and University Extension at USP”.