University of São Paulo: Symposium addresses the work and legacy of Teixeira Coelho


The work and legacy of José Teixeira Coelho Netto, Emeritus Professor at the School of Communications and Arts (ECA) at USP, who died last June, will be the theme of the symposium Praise for the Invention of Own Purposes: Homage to Teixeira Coelho , which the Institute of Advanced Studies (IEA) of USP promotes this Wednesday, the 7th, from 10 am. Author of fundamental books in the field of culture and arts in Brazil, Teixeira Coelho was also director of the São Paulo Museum of Art (Masp) between 2006 and 2014.

“He was a very restless person, who did not settle points of view”, says Lúcia Maciel Barbosa de Oliveira, professor at the Department of Information and Culture at ECA. Responsible for organizing the symposium, Lúcia was guided by Teixeira Coelho in her master’s and doctoral studies. “In addition to honoring him, the event will address the paths he took at the University and its consequences for the future. Teixeira had a vast production linked to culture. Therefore, it would not make sense to have a seminar in which only a memorialistic perspective was confirmed.”

Divided into two parts, the event will receive, in the morning, from 10 am, intellectuals who maintained a close relationship with Teixeira Coelho. The guests are Xavier Greffe, French researcher working in the field of cultural economy; Jurema Machado, current president of the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan); Danilo Santos de Miranda, director general of Sesc in São Paulo; and Marcos Buckeridge, director of the Institute of Biosciences (IB) at USP.

“This first stage will be mediated by Professor Alfons Martinelli, from the University of Girona, in Spain. With Teixeira, he coordinated a long specialization course in Management and Cultural Policy at the Itaú Cultural Observatory”, reveals Lúcia Oliveira.

“In the second part, in the afternoon, we decided to invite artists and intellectuals who could comment on specific works by Teixeira, not only remembering the importance of his production in a posthumous manner, but also thinking about the power of his work for the future”, continues the professor . Naiene Sanchez, doctoral student of the Graduate Program in Information Science at ECA, will be the mediator of the lectures, which will begin at 2:30 pm.

These lectures will have as themes different books published by Teixeira. Christine Greiner, lecturer in Communication and Arts at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), will be responsible for analyzing the book Antonin Artaud (1982), Néstor García Canclini, from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, in Mexico, will comment on the Critical Dictionary of Cultural Policy (1999) and Rejane Cantoni, artist and researcher of information systems, works eCultura, A Utopia Final (2019), the last work released by Teixeira. Finally, Marcus Bastos, also a researcher at PUC-SP, analyzes Com o Cérebro na Mão: In the Century that Likes Itself (2015).

“It is important to point out that Teixeira Coelho also played a very important role as a professor at ECA. He was a pioneer in the study of art and culture in the Brazilian context and created, in the 1980s, the first Cultural Policy Observatory in the country”, adds Lúcia Maciel. “He was a brilliant intellectual, and this tribute is more than deserved”, she concludes.