University of São Paulo: USP and Sorbonne discuss Brazilian collections

Debating the challenges and perspectives of Brasilianas libraries – collections of books that approach Brazil – is the objective of the International Seminar Brasiliana, Brasilianas: Collectionism, Libraries, Research and National Identities , which will be held on February 8, 9 and 10, with live broadcast on the channel of the Brasiliana Guita and José Mindlin Library (BBM) from USP on Youtube . The event is promoted by BBM, in partnership with the Sorbonne Nouvelle University, in Paris, France, the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH) at USP and the School of Communications and Arts (ECA), also at USP. .

The official opening of the seminar takes place on the 8th, at 9 am, with a lecture in French by Régine Piersanti, from the National Library of France. She will talk about the website França-Brasil , a project created by the National Library of Rio de Janeiro and the National Library of France, which has BBM as an associated institution. Among the USP specialists who will participate in the event are Professor Marisa Midori, a professor at ECA and columnist for Rádio USP (93.7 MHz), Iris Kantor, from the FFLCH History Department, and Elias Thomé Saliba, from the same department. In the closing conferences of the meeting, on the 10th, starting at 2 pm, anthropologist Betty Mindlin will speak about Indigenous Peoples: How to Extend the Concept of Brasiliana?and Professor Ulpiano Toledo Bezerra de Menezes, also from the FFLCH Department of History, will address The Dematerialization of Society (read below for the complete seminar program) .

The seminar “proposes a reflection on the multiple relationships that arise between collecting, libraries, research and national identities”, highlights a text promoting the event, published by BBM. “After all, today it is possible to admit, with some clarity, that there are as many Brasilianas as there are identities that accommodate them. But, in this multiple universe, it is worth asking: what is the place of reading and research? Can the notion of identity, heritage or national treasure still mobilize new policies for the acquisition and use of libraries? Even before asking what collections and libraries are for, the seminar seeks to gather efforts to reflect on the multiplier effect of Brazilian women in a connected world.”