University of São Paulo: USP in the Community promotes free activities and courses for the population in Sertãozinho


USP Ribeirão Preto, in partnership with Sertãozinho City Hall, promotes USP Ribeirão na Comunidade , a project that provides activities in health, education, culture and university extension courses for the general population. The activities will be from December 8th to 11th, from 9 am to 4 pm, free of charge and open to all, in order of arrival. The units will be at the Unified Arts and Sports Center (CEU), at Rua Pedro Montenegro, 340, Sertãozinho-SP.

Activities encompass all audiences. For children, games, face painting, dances, gymnastics, visual acuity, oral hygiene with oral health kits and storytelling will be offered; for young people, dances, rhythmic gymnastics, sports games, footvolley, conversation circles, music, theater, film screenings, documentaries and video animation will be offered. For adults, they have yoga, rapid HIV tests, blood pressure measurement, viral hepatitis and syphilis tests, health workshops, guidance on access to justice and personal finances; for the elderly, measurement of blood pressure and blood glucose, prevention of blindness, dances, music and conversation circles.

In addition to the activities, the project also promotes free courses, offered on December 8 and 9, from 8 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 5 pm. For the courses, it is necessary to enroll in this link , selecting the unit of interest by the participant. USP certificates will be issued.

There are several courses, with themes of Access to justice and basic rights: Health and consumer rights for Internet purchases ; Aesthetics: biosafety and health ; How to Manage Your Small Business Money and Covid-19: Science and Action .

The project counts on the presence of two mobile units from the Pro-Rectory of Culture and University Extension of USP and the participation of professors from all units on the Ribeirão Preto campus.